me and Sean yesterday in his room looking through my stash of magic the gathering cards.
"hey babe, look at this card.."
(Sean looks at the card which is called Elixir of Immortality)
"Yeah what about it?" (he doesn't like magic a Lot)
"this card can add 5 lives to me (20 +5) and take all my cards from my grave yard back into my library, including the card"
"...go to hell" lol
so I've been trying my hardest to get my boyfriend into magic with me. every time i want to hes like " babe i cant concentrate today lets just play bull crap (which sucks with only 2 people because he looks through his deck to see if I'm lying lol 90% i am )"
but my dad on another hand lol hes crazy about magic the gathering. he asks me all the time " are we playing today?" " you should bring your cards this weekend" " I'm gonna beat you lol (he does"
he acts like Jake with card wars on adventure time... like no joke!
lol i can never beat him even with the elixir of immortality... and the sad part about it...
hes playing with Sean's deck lol
Sean keeps saying he couldn't beat me lol when he hasn't even tried. he just quits in the middle of the game lol.
i hope he gets onto his nerdy side soon... i miss it lol