Chapter 6: Blind Fury

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A/N This will be another sports chapter where we learn more about Conner, Carson, and Lee. This may be a little bit of a longer chapter full of basketball

After I finished helping Lee with her work I went and asked Carson if he wanted to do a 2v2. When he agreed he asked if the teams were fair. Conner them explained to him how he was very bad at basketball and was probably the same level as Lee was. Then he explained how I was one of the best basketball players in the state and was probably better that Carson which I shrugged at because it probably wasn't true.

"Play to 12" Conner announced. Me and Carson check the ball and I instantly score a three pointer. "Oooh Damey-Boy scored a three-pointer right off the bat! What are you gonna do about that dad?" Conner commented with an evil grin. "You know your on my team right Conny?" Replied Carson. Conners grin instantly left his face "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT DAD!!" Conner yelled. "Alright Conny I will make you a deal, if we win this and you score at least 2 baskets I will never call you Conny ever again" Carson bargained with a chuckle.

"He's gonna bring his 'A' game now Damey" Lee whispered to me. I was well aware. Whenever Conner gets put in this situation he loses focus and tries to do what he is supposed to do, but in the wrong way. "Lee you cover Carson, I got Conner". She looked confused but listened to me. This time both me and Conner were checking and I knew that he was not going to pass it to Carson he was going to go right for the shot. So the minute he started dribbling until I stole the ball and scored a 2 pointer. "5-0, 5-0" Lee announced with a smile. Then you could tell Conner got pissed. When Conner gets too mad he goes into a blind fury, Good Job Lee! I look over at Lee and see her smiling and she mouths 2 words to me "Easy Win". Me and Carson check this time and I go to do the thing I did with my first 3 pointer. Carson saw that coming and tried to stop me but so did Conner. As Conner was running to steal the ball from me and rammed into Carson and they toppled over. Then I passed it to Lee and she scores a two pointer. The bad thing about Carson and Conner being on a team is that they both can be very sore losers. So they got very mad at eachother. "Even Lee is doing better than you Conny!" Carson said angrily. "Hey! I take offense to that" I hear Lee yells at her father.

Carson and Lee are checking this time and the minute Carson gets the ball he goes for a three pointer just like I did but he misses and Conner rebounds. He runs up and does a quick two pointer shot. "2-7, 2-7" Conner says upset. This time Lee and Conner are checking. When she starts to dribble Conner steals the ball and passes it to Carson who gets a slam dunk. "4-7, 4-7" Carson yells out. Once again I let Lee check with Carson. See Lee is very fast so we have a little truck up our sleeve, but it's not time for that yet. Carson dribbles until he tries a shot but misses and I rebound the ball and get a really good layup for 2 points. "9-4, 9-4" I announced with no pride for some reason my depression is kicking in. Not now please I beg of you not now. I let Lee check again and give her the signal time to get this over with. As soon as she gets the ball she dribbles and is on a roll all the way down the court and actually makes a three pointer and wins the game for us.

A/N Sorry if this chapter was boring but I just want to introduce the characters a little bit more.

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