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In my mind I erected a wall,

It was strong, thick, and tall.

Behind this wall I placed my heart,

there it would be safe and not torn apart.

Due to circumstances and life's cruel tricks,

my soul soon stood behind those bricks.

I stayed there hiding for some time,

content not to let myself shine.

The wall was my protector and my shield,

to no mere mortal could those stones yield.

But then as I sat so long in my domain,

I heard a sweet voice calling my name.

Come out I could not for I feared my fate,

I dared not open that gate.

So I sat there against my stone wall,

and yet again I heard him call.

But still I couldn't leave for all of my fears,

there was too much pain so I let loose a few tears.

One day as I sat there things changed so fast.

there was a blue light and an enormous blast!

My wall crumbled around me so completely,

All of those bricks I had piled so neatly.

At first I was angry, confused, and afraid,

until a strong hand came to my aid.

He lifted me from that dark lonely place,

And lit up my life with his beautiful face.

Now my wall is gone, what a glorious favor,

All thanks to my blue eyed saviour.

He has made my life sweet and new,

added so much color to my dank view.

He is the epitome of sugar coated temptation,

My life, my love, forever my salvation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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