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Baekhyun 's pov.

Am  so  excited to  have my  son  in  three  months time,,

Am  six months pregnant only  three  remaining to  have my  son on  my  arms,,

I opened my phone and  I was  shocked to  see  chanyeol 's  message on  ig

From real_pcy  :hi  baek,, I didn't mean to say I don't want to see your face again,,, why did you take it seriously and leave,,, I didn't mind you  disturbing me,,, please  come 🔙,, am  stupid right?? I don't know why am  feeling like this way at all,,, all  I want is to see you,, reply soon when you get my  msg

Don't give me high  hopes  chanyeol that you love me when you have a  family,,, I know you never loved me at all ,,I thought to myself

I closed ig and went to play with suga

Aunt  baek  does your  stomach hurts

No  suga

Really aunt


Then why are you crying aunt

I remembered something suga

Don't cry aunt

I know is just  I want to see my son  growing up like you

Real aunt  baek


Will you call  your  son  jhope??  Or jimin

Okay  I will  consider that  suga

Thank you aunt

Wild Skin (chanbaek, Yoonmin. ) Where stories live. Discover now