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Baekhyun 's pov.

It has been one  month and  my  husband does not talk to me except in front of our  children and am  getting so  impatient  with him,,,

How can he  pretend we are okay in front of our children,,, I hate this side of him

I miss my  husband but should I do then

Anita do you think I did the wrong thing by  hiding family planning pills

Yes  ma'am but how about you go and ask  Sir For  forgiveness

No  way I won't beg him at all,,,

Please ma'am so For your  children and your marriage

No I have heard enough of him  too,,,,

What will you do then

I want a divorce I can't stand him even a second,,,

No please don't ma'am,, let sir cool down

No am  going to see a lawyer and pay the lawyer to handle my  divorce case,,

But I need to go and do shopping

I went and  finished doing shopping I gave them my  credit card and it was not working

What do you mean

It's  blocked,,,

No  it was working

Go and check on the bank

I left from the supermarket and went to the bank for them to explain

Your  husband blocked your  credit card

Thank you ma'am

I went to office directly

Ma'am you can't go inside

I went and  entered inside his office,,,

Care to explain why you blocked my  credit card

Because you can't use money you have not worked for

Bravo I think you are right,,, am  going to look for a job and I fucking want a divorce

Forget about working and a divorce thing,,, go  home am working,,, just write whatever you want to buy and  I will buy for someone to bring you

You are so stupid chanyeol ,,,I hate you so much

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