The Run

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This is my first fanfic! Please give feed back! Enjoy!


Its a cold rainy day in London. Allie, Madelyn, and Mia were getting ready for a One Direction concert. They lived in a flat together in the quiet part of London. Three best friends ready to meet their idols. The girls stand in front of their bathroom mirror. Madelyn is doing Allie's hair while Allie does Mia's make-up while Mia irons out the clothes.

"Madelyn I AM SO EXCITED! Mia OH MY GOD, I am going to die when I see them!" Allie screamed. They all sat and fangirled. But they lost track of time.

"OH SHIT GUYS IT'S 6:00!!!!" Mia screamed! "The concerts in 30 minutes go go go!!!!"Madelyn yelled. They grabbed their purses and snatched a random jacket as quick as they possibly could. Allie opens the door. They run for the door but stop. Dead in front of it. The England weather. IT WAS RAINING!

"Grab the newspapers! Lets go!" Madelyn shouted. They grabbed newspapers and were off. Running down the streets of London with newspapers over their head. It wasn't doing much good though. They still got wet and the hair was drenched.TO make matters worse it was freezing! The girls' noses were red!

"TAXI! TAXI!" Allie yelled. They all passed by. Madelyn was determined to meet them as was the other two girls. Mia stood calling out with Allie, they both were huddling together for warmth while waving their arms. Madelyn just walked in the middle of a busy rode. Completely calm. But her facial expression showed that she meant business. She put her hand up forcing the first taxi to stop. All the girls ran in.

"The theater! Fast!" Mia shouted at the driver. Just their luck. It was and old man driving.

"URG, DRIVE ANY SLOWER?" Shouted Madelyn. Allie looked at the man sternly in his rear view mirror.

"Move." She said abruptly. The man didn't hesitate. He hopped over to the passenger seat. Allie crawled up front and Floored it.

"HEY BE CAREFUL" screamed the old man. He was holding the seat belt like a terrified baby. They drove 6 blocks zipping through cars.

"WATCH IT!" screamed Mia. Allie slammed the brake as hard as she could. The cab tipped forward then back and hit the ground. Traffic. Mia looked through her drenched purse and shoved some money to the cab driver. All the girls ran out of the car and began sprinting again. 6:15. They still were determined. So was the weather. It began to hail.

"Why?!" shouted at the sky Allie as they were running down the blocks.By this time the girls were soaked, make-up running, drenched hair, soggy clothes, and squishy shoes.

"ANGEL STATION" shouted Madelyn as she was pointing to the stairs leading downward into the underground subway. They sprinted down the stairs jumping over two steps. Then 4. Then 7! They stopped abruptly. Finally made the station gates.They looked at each other puzzled. The gates were shut.

 "Why are the gates shut?!" pouted Madelyn. Allie pointed to the sign."Due to massive events at the theater today the station is closed. The last train leaves at 6:20." Madelyn frantically looked for a clock.

"ITS 6:18!" She shouted. Mia hopped over the gate followed by Allie and Madelyn. It wasn't long till security saw them.

"Oi!" shouted one of them. They chased the girls through the station. Over the bars and down the stairs they went. But Allie had enough. Allie stopped and pulled out her pepper spray and pointed it at the guards. Madelyn and Mia stopped.

"Allie come one!" urging her.

"Go ahead!" She told them. The guards saw the spray and stopped abruptly. They shielded their eyes straight away. They removed their hands on the ground and found $50 that Allie had left for the fee. But the girls were no where to be seen. Of coarse, they were running to find the correct platform.

"Look for platform 3!" screamed Madelyn.

"Over there!"replied Allie. Just their luck. It was across the station. They ran a bit slower. They were exhausted.

"Is it just me or are we not moving?" Mia asked while they were running.

"ITS LEAVING!" Allie panted. They all sprinted for the train. They jumped off the platform and now were chasing the train on the tracks. Soon enough the train picked up speed and was out of sight.

"Wait! Wait!" The girls screamed. The girls stopped. They were breathing heavily.

"Make matters worse I feel like hypothermia was setting in." Allie said sarcastically.

"Come on I am not giving this up!" Madelyn panted. "We can gain warmth by running, LETS MOVE!" They began running again.

"UGG boots are not the correct shoes to wear at a time like this" Mia whined. All the girls boots were completely ruined.It didn't stop them but it definatley made it harder to run. After what felt like ages they finally made it out of the underground tunnels.

"THIS IS THE WAY OUT!" Allie pointed. But the gates this time weren't like at Angel station where you can hop over them. It was automatic.

"WHY NOW?!" Madelyn covered her face with her bright red, freezing cold palms. Mia tried to comfort her. Allie looked at the gate. She was pist. Allie walked calmly to a garbage can humming like everything is okay.

"Has she gone mental?" Mia asked. She took a nearby garbage can and whacked the card scanner.

"LET! US! THROUGH!" She said through her teeth as she was slamming the garbage can on the scanner. It finally broke and the gate opened.

"MOVE!" Allie shouted!

"Brilliant!" Mia said while she was running. After sprinting up 7 flights of stairs, sneaking past 5 guards and slipping on their wet boots through out the whole thing they made it out of the station. But the run wasn't over yet. They still had 6 more blocks to go and the weather was in it to stop them. The hail got harder and harder. It got so bad to the point where they had to cover their faces with their purses to not get pelted by the hailstones that were blinding them. After the 6th block they made it. The place was deserted. The concert had already begun.

"Whatever half a concert is better than nothing!" Madelyn shivered. They ran to the ticket booth. "Allie, get the tickets!" Madelyn shouted. Allie was rummaging through her purse.

"Where is it?" she first muttered."WHERE IS IT?!" Mia and Madelyn dumped everything out of the purse on to the cold pavement.

"FOUND IT!" Mia shouted. But just as she held them up, the girls faces dropped. They stopped what they were doing. They almost broke into tears. It was over. The concert had finished.

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