The Rupture

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You still reading? Massive thank you! :) So I had to add something not everything had to be peaches and rainbows ;)


Allie wakes up disoriented. She forgot where she was and what she was doing.

"What a dream!" she murmurs. But she stopped and turned. Liam was was right next to her. The angel he was, soundly asleep was cuddling with Allie. She smiled as she stroked his hair. Liam peeked a smile as he was sleeping. She looked at the clock. 11 am! She slept with Liam in his tour bus since yesterday night! She jumped of the couch (not trying to wake Liam) and darted for her phone. No use. It was dead. Allie ran for Niall's cabin and ran into Madelyn.

"Oh my god!" Madelyn scrammed! '

"SHHH!" Allie slapped her.

"We need to go! Like what if our parents hear that we didn't sleep in our hotel. We can't come back! Plus our luggage! They might take it out!" Madelyn whispered. Allie nodded.

"Where's Mia?!" Allie looked at Madelyn then looked at the door to Zayn's room. They looked back at each other and slowly opened the door. Mia was passed out next to Zayn. His arms were holding Mia close.

"Aww" Allie whispered. Madelyn whacked Allie and urged her to wake up Mia.

"PSSSSSSST' they both called to her, "PSSSSST" no use. Allie grabbed a paper and chucked it at Mia's head.

"PERFECT" Allie whispered.

"OW WHAT THE HELL!" Mia was completely clueless. She rubbed her eyes then looked at Zayn. Mia lip synced to the girls

"OH MY GOD ITS ZAYN MALIK!" Madelyn tapped her watch to tell her we have to leave. Mia nodded and slipped out of Zayn's grasp. She was almost out the door and gave Zayn one last look and went out the door.

"Okay lets go!" Allie urged them.

"What about the clothes?" Madelyn stopped them.

"Screw it! We will mail it to them! Or something!" Mia replied.

"We just got to go!" The girls ran out the door.

"Ok which way?" Allie hesitated. Madelyn nor Mia replied but they were frozen. Allie looked at them puzzled.

"Guys?" Mia said nothing but pointed. Allie followed the direction of her rand and froze. For some paparazzi caught them in the boys clothes, outside of their tour bus, behind a bush. The paparazzi took the camera and reviewed the pictures slyly,

"Haha I am going to get such a big promotion for this!"

"Oh no you're not!" Madelyn darted for the paparazzi.

"Madelyn!" Mia shouted and was close on her tracks! Allie ran back inside the tour bus and woke up the three boys.


"What?!" Right afterwards Niall ran out of his cabin.

"What?!". Zayn came wrapped in bedsheets around his lower waist as he was shirtless.

"Come on lets go help them!" All the boys ran out the door passed Allie. Zayn was running towards the door till Allie stopped him.

"Allie! MOVE!" he protested.

"Put some clothes on!" Allie turned him around and shoved him back into the tour bus. A few minutes later he ran out too. Liam in his plaid pajamas with a red t shirt, Niall in a baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts, and Zayn in his 'Fuck You" t-shirt (Fit for the sceneario) and some sweatpants. Allie directed the boys the way he last saw Madelyn and Mia take off too. After about 2 blocks they found Madelyn and Mia cornering the paparazzi man in a corner of an alley way.

"Give us the picture!" Mia shouted.

"Its not what you think!" Madelyn yelped. The paparazzi looked over Mia's sholder to find Zayn standing behind her cracking his knuckles. Then he turned his head towards Madelyn to find Niall glaring him behind Madelyn. He finally turned his head towards Allie but didn't see Liam. He smirked. But soon lost it as soon as he felt the collar on his polo being clenched by Liam.

"Hand over the camera." The man no longer felt the floor beneath his feet. Instead he felt air. Liam never looked so angry. The paparazzi finally gave in and handed Liam the camera. As soon as Liam dropped him he ran for his life. Liam turned on the camera and began searching through the files.

"Where is it?" He murmured to himself.

"What?" Mia asked.

"WHERE IS IT?!" Liam's voice grew louder and echoed through the alley way. Zayn snatched the camera.

"Check the memory card holder! Find the SD card!" He openned it then dropped the camera. His fist clenched. His sholders tensed. There was fury and pure anger in his eyes. Niall walked over to Zayn and put his arm around him to calm him down. Zayn shrugged him off. "He took the card." Mia walked over to Zayn to see if he was okay.

"Zayn? Babe, are you okay?" Zayn raised his head at her.

"NO! I am not OKAY. You want to know why?! A man just ran off with a picture of you guys in OUR clothes! Now, its going to be all over the world! DO you know how much shit we are going to take?!" Mia's eyes began to water. Madelyn ran up behind her and held her.

"How DARE you yell at my friend! You think we aren't going to get shit either?! We can resolve it just calm down!" Madelyn shouted. Zayn began to point his finger at them when Niall stepped in front of him. He didn't seem to happy either.

"What WERE you guys doing anyways? What were you doing outside the bus?" He was annoyed too. Madelyn could hear it in his voice.

"We were leaving because..."

"What?" Niall cut her off. "WHAT?! You wanted to leave and not even say goodbye?! I thought you were different!" Niall was obviously hurt and furious.

"Niall No that's not the reason!" Madelyn went in his face. Tears began to fill her face. Mia already crying grabbed Madelyn by the arm and pulled her back.

"No I think that is the reason!" He began slowing walking toward the girls. "You guys are just like those other girls! How PATHETIC! How could I have trusted you?!" Zayn grabbed Niall's sholder and pulled him back. Niall turned towards the wall to hide his emotions. Zayn just looked at Mia. Her face was dug into Madelyn's sholder crying. Madelyn holding back her tears. He turnned away into dispare.

"Just.. Just. Just Go." Niall said trying to hold back the pain. Madelyn and Mia walked off and Liam starred at Allie. Allie was already teary eyed.

"What are you still doing here?!" Niall yelled at her.

"I just want you to know you yelled at them for the wrong reason. We are not like those "OTHER" girls. We are us! I am so ashamed that you raised your voice at them! How DARE you!" Allie turned to Liam. "And you! You never said a word! Never stood for what was right! What is wrong with you!?!" Allie shut her eyes and the tears began to roll.

"Babe please.." Allie raise her hand in his face and made him pause. "No.." Allie walked off and caught up to Madelyn and Mia to comfort.

"Time to go home girls..." Allie put her arms around them and walked back to the hotel.... Back the way the came.

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