Chapter 3: ??? --Unfinished--

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Anti tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the human he was being forced to babysit. He woke up early this morning, walked all the way to Dark's mansion and now he was sitting in his parlor waiting for the damn girl to get down here so he could take her to his home. And walk all the way in torturous awkward silence. At first, he genuinely wanted to get to know her. She made Dark..tick. Tick in a way he only saw Wilford do. Once. Dark dropped his Mask. The infamous mask of cool and emotionless. The sinister patience and sadism he always let stand so dominate over his other emotions.

Demons were capable of feeling. Despite it being logically impossible, they were beings of pure evil. These demons could. Because they were made from humans. They had to fit a certain image, and while that image was..destructive to say the least, they still were forced to push down the foolish human morals and emotions. It normally worked in their favor, because their humans' lovers didn't normally have a dark side. But when something that defies all logic and reason comes into play, there's no telling what could happen.

Unless you're Host that is.

And you're probably not.

He waited for almost an hour as she "Woke up" as she put it. She carried that bottle Glitch had shown them all. Of course, she already had it. He wondered when she was going to take it. She walked out toward him almost limping, and he imagined every bit of pain she must have gone through when she used up her very essence to conjure up enough magic to outrun even the most powerful of them. She couldn't do again without ensuring her own demise. While Wilford didn't exactly have a problem with that, she looked like...Her, and wanted her gone. Erin looked as if she was going to collapse at every step. And every step it only got worse. Even with the support Glitch was giving her. He handed over a list of "Human Foods" and reminded him she had to eat to get back to full strength. Anti scoffed and scooped her up into his arms. Erin was flustered and in her weakened state, she questioned her own sanity. Why oh why, sweet baby Jesus, would she let those thoughts run through her head. Anti smirked at her red face.

"What? Never been swept off your feet before doll-face?" She glared as he purposefully thickened his accent. She crossed her arms stubbornly and looked the other way. Humans are adorable.

"This is no way to treat a lady." She huffed out as Anti turned to leave, waving his goodbye to Dark and Glitch. He made his trek down the forest path leaped over the garden wall, making Erin grip onto him and shriek. He just laughed and ran back to his place as she clung to him terrified. She went limp as he finally reached his house. And breathed heavily.

" that...again..." She panted in between her heavy breaths. The look on her face was one of pure terror and Anti relished in it. He was a demon after all.

"I make no promises." He said and chuckled, making a mental note to only get around that way with her around. He hesitated slightly as her hands snaked their ways around his back. She could no doubt feel the bumps on his shoulder blades. She still breathed heavily and clung to him. He carried her into the messy house and he felt her face scrunch up because of the smell.

"Ugh," She groaned pinching her nose. "Do you ever clean up rotting corpses?" She continued, only half joking.

"Well..." Anti said taking in her face of disgust.

"I am cleaning this place up, now. Put me down so I can find some cleaning supplies." She struggled in his grip and his reflexes kicked in as he held her tightly almost constricting her. He pressed her body against his chest, her arms being held in place by his own and his torso. Her legs were tucked under his arm now, forcing her knees together.

"A-anti?" She gulped and looked at him with an even more flustered look on her face. 'Shit.' was all that went through Anti's head as he dropped her. Erin moved in the air so she wouldn't hit her head and placed her feet on the ground, landing on her ass in a sitting position. Anti looked down at her and chuckled as she stood and rubbed her tailbone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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