No one touches what is mine

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Yuzu's pov

I woke up with the sound of the alarm clock I felt someone's hand touching my body and when I looked up it was Mei she was hugging me I don't know why but it felt nice.Then I looked at the alarm clock."6:00 am wha!!!".I covered my mouth and realized Mei was still sleeping unfortunately my screaming woke her up and then she blushed knowing that she's hugging me."uh umm goodmorning"I said blushing then I looked away and then I felt her stand up getting ready for school."Mei why so early?"I asked "we have school as the student council president I should be a good inspiration for all of them unlike you who is a bad influence for the Academy you are powerful because your the Elite one but you don't act like your someone important."She said walking out of the room and then I realized I ave school and got ready as well it doesn't reallt concern me that I act like this in a non important place but I act diferently when I'm in meeting and doing work.I walked out of the room and saw Mei's shoes were gone I can't believe her she can't even wait for me I won't be suprised if she left me to die uhh she's so anniying yet my heart beats faster than usual when I'm with her.I walked out of the apartment after I bid fairwell to mom when I walked to the school I was greeted by a brunette girl she has big boobs "yow yuzuchi my name is Harumin Tanaguchi nice to meet you"she said holding her hands out to shake mine she looks nice so I shaked her hand and said"your my classmate right I'm suprised that you still want to talk to me after what happened aren't you scared?"I asked confused at the brunette haired girl she was that girl yesterday that looked like she knows what happening yesterday.
Why should I be afraid of you I'm a Tanaguchi my family members are all trained to be ninja's my mother and father were killed and my sister is the one who wanted to avenge them so badly I mean don't get me wrong I wanted to avenge them as well but my older sister did everything she entered the Alpha Academy and graduated there as well she's part of the Elite ten as well."She said my eyes widened it was a lot to take in but I know she's not lying I saw it in her eyes
I was about to speak but I stoppef whe she cotinued.
"You must be wondering why I go to this Academy when my sister goes to the Alpha academy well sh graduated here as well she was the former student council president. She has everything she has the brains the talent beauty and all in all she was successful I go to this Academy to be more successful than her.You must think I'm dramatic or weird."she said with a calm voice yet I saw pain in her eyes.
"don't think that your dramatic nor weird your you your following what your heart wants and doing everything to be better than your sister thats why your here I respect you Harumin"I said with a warm smile her eyes widened and she smiled back we went to our classroom talking about stuff here and there she actually made me happy a friend the only real friend I met in school.When the teacher came we sat on our designated sit not paying attention cause I'm smarter than the teacher so didn't care I heard some rumors about the Mei engaged to a teacher here but no one can have Mei but me she's mine and mine only.
(Time skipped)
Class was over before I knew it I asked harumin if she saw Mei she shooked her head and then bid fairwell after I walked outside the Academy and saw Mei behind the Academy building I was about to approach her when I saw amamiya sensei pinning her against the wall holding her chin he kissed her he forced her tounge inside her mouth I saw Mei I don't get her expression she doesn't look helpless at all but I saw a sad and pained expression in her eyes she didn't like him not at all after 4 minuites and 27 seconds they stopped yeah I counted Mei then looked to the side and saw me
Oh shit!! she saw me I'm gonna freaking die. I thought I was running away far from her and everyone for some reason my heart ache when I remembered her kissing that dumbass of a teacher she's mine only mine how dare he.
I went home and saw mom cooking I helped her and then Mei arrived I wasn't talking not at all it proceeded like a normal day but ranged filled my heart why would she kiss someone else I already told her she was mine and when I say something is mine no one I mean no one could touch her except for me.I fell asleep after my annoyed expresion I didn't sleep beside Mei she looked like she could care less about it.

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