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Gillas av Kmbrly, CleoSaphire och 1 728 andra

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Gillas av Kmbrly, CleoSaphire och 1 728 andra.
AlxWilliams Heard my bestfriend had trouble smiling so I came from Sweden to New York for her to smile!
[ taggade: Kmbrly ]

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Kmbrly: and you actually made me smile
Användare: New York?
Kmbrly: got a job here and needed to get away, once again
LiamTaylor: I and Madlynn have good news Kim, so get your ass over here!
Kmbrly: will be there in five
AlxWilliams: can I tag along? ^
MadlynnGreey: ofc!
JackJ: Can't belive you left me with the idots here in LA...
Användare2: bff, how come we never heard of you before?
Sk8: ^
AlxWilliams: Well, we're known eachother since diaperdays, and we pretty much talk once a week. But when she moved to LA I had to stay with my family bc some shit was going on..
Kmbrly: but finally his ass came to NY

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