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a.n just so you know im sorting the headcanons or ideas i have into chapters, so if you want...say...luigi headcanons, you can click on the chapter that just says 'luigi'.
1. i dont mean to be completely cliche but i can imagine mario being bisexual.

2. i feel like he's the type of person who doesnt want to always engage fights, but since hes trying to rescue peach all the time and people like to just stand in his way, he has to.

3. he gets quite emotional easily, but not too easily. but in-game its not shown.

4. he's bilingual, completely fluent in both english and italian. he knows a bit of japanese, but not enough to be considered fluent.

5. he doesnt curse a lot. he might do if hes extremely angry, but thats very rare.

6. he prefers warm weather over cold.

7. connecting to the last headcanon, his favourite place he has visited is delfino island.

8. he still has the fire power from superstar saga. just for fun, he would spray something flammable, and then light it up with the firebrand...just to freak luigi out. 

9. though he does sometimes like to freak luigi out in one way or another as a joke, he's very protective of his brother and would gladly fight anybody who would hurt him to a large extent.

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