The first part.

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From a far we were living perfect lives in our perfect little brick houses with weed free driveway. Anyone who saw us would be oblivious to our imperfections, but would they care if we cried out for help? If we told them what happened behind our freshly painted doors. But we have it all, haven't we? We don't need anymore or any less, when we have flashy cars and large American style kitchens. We are perfect!

Daisy was awoken by the sudden crash and tumble of Denise's new vacuum cleaner being dragged down the stairs. Daisy knew this unnecessary noise at 6am in the morning was for her Benefit only, she could imagine Denise's smug, powdered face as she bangs thousands of pounds worth of metal and plastic against the wooden, oak steps.

The sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtain, blinding Daisy's eyes and making the dust visible in her room. Daisy hated these warm summer mornings- Isobella would sit at the breakfast bar and braid her long, mousey brown hair while devouring a bowl of cornflakes drenched in granulated sugar and chocolate milk. Denise would fuss over her husband giving him a cup of coffee to go and kissing his cheek, making sure to scowl at Daisy. Lennard would give his daughter a quick kiss on the forehead before doing the same to Isabella and Denise, he would then collect his files and coffee from the kitchen table and with a quick wave goodbye he would be gone.

Today was like any other morning, daisy quickly turned towards Denise to gage her feelings. She wore a sickening smile plastered to her face, her hand placed on her hip, the other nursing a coffee cup. To the left, Daisy could see Isabella's pale, anxious face waiting for her mother to begin with her usual morning habits. But nothing, nothing, but that smile, and silence, and Daisy unsteady breathing. Maybe Denise decided she would change, enjoy the sun and the company of her step daughter. Maybe she would treat daisy as her own and take her shopping like she does with Isabella, but nothing is good too.

Daisy begins to look away as Isabella finishes off her braids. The silence is an intense kind of comfortable, the kind that you could grow to enjoy, but never love. Daisy would daydream about the days in the caravan, mountains of paper in all the colours of the rainbow stacked everywhere as her and her mother made paper cranes and painted beautiful pictures, in that lovely sort of silence, accompanied by that warm feeling in your stomach. Lennard would tell Daisy about how beautiful and bright her mother was. Your mother was very artistic, painting smiles on everyone's faces, but her own, Lennard said one rainy day whilst Denise and Isabella were out of the house. One tear dropped from his eye and Daisy knew not to ask any more questions, although over the years her curiosity had showered her with thoughts and questions about her mother and why she never smiled.

A sudden gush of water interrupted Daisy's deep thoughts, she quickly checked herself. Completely dry. As her vision restored she could see Denise's glaring eyes staring down at her, she had a pint glass full of water and her smile had been stripped from her face. Drink it. She held out the glass for Daisy to take. Denise must have seen the confusion on Daisy's face because she adds. The water, drink the water. It wasn't the worst request, in fact it was quite a nice gesture, but Daisy had been meaning to go to toilet, not drink drink a pint of water. What are you waiting for, drink the damn water. Daisy could see the frustration in Denise's eyes and drinking some water wouldn't do any harm. Err okay. Daisy stuttered while holding out her hand to take the glass. Her heart beat uncontrollably as the saw the smile on Denise's face through the glass, as she chugged down the gravelly water. Done. Denise grabbed the glass and went to the sink, filling the glass again up to the brim, before returning to Daisy. Drink. She demanded, her eyes wild. I Err, I need the toilet. Daisy whispers. Drink.Denise repeats with a sick smile on her face. Once again Daisy brought the glass to her lips, her bladder stung so bad, any more and she might not be able to hold it. I need the toilet. Daisy shouts. Drink it all and if you wee your disgusting little panties you can drink that too. Isabella's eyes widen and her mouth opens in utter shock. Mum stop it. She yells. And then everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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