9 || Guerrilla Warfare

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"Alright, we're in position," Nicholas says. The room he and Darius stand in looks to be a storage area, with large, visibly empty tanks filling the room in rows. A delivery system built into the room's ceiling and floor hint of these tanks being moved and used for something at one point, though long since become defunct for whatever reason. Darius nods in agreement.  "We're going to climb in these tanks and get out of sight."

"Understood," the voice of Tah-Kuell echoes clearly from their bracelets. "They've almost broken through the first door. Sarah? Ava? How are things on your end?"

Elsewhere, Ava and Sophia have taken residence in another room on the ship. This room is home to one large particularly loud piece of machinery, stretching from ceiling to floor, settled into the center of the room. Through the glass screen on the machine, a single beam of pure white light extends, gently caressing some manner of pitch black energy. Ava, stalking slowly around the machine, stares at the contraption. "What is this thing, anyway?"

"That's probably the source of the ship's power," Tah-Kuell responds through Ava's bracelet. "I'd have to look at it myself to know for sure, but just judging by the sound--"

"And that doesn't seem like a concern to you?" Ava groans, following Sarah over to a ladder and climbing up. Tah-Kuell lets out a chuckle. "Absolutely. If they destroy it, we'll all wind up dead, but they won't do that because there's much more money to be made selling this ship intact. Now, let's see... one final check here... Sophia, are you prepared?"

Sophia, climbing through a vent elsewhere on the ship to reach her destination, nearly collapses to the floor as she falls from her exit hatch, dusting herself off as she stands tall again. "Ow. I mean, yeah, I'm good." 

Her room, bathed in a bright red light, has numerous doors leading into it, though each door seems to lack power, deactivated. Along the walls covered in piping of all shapes and sizes, leading off to parts of the ship unknown, a single active terminal awaits input. "I'm totally ready for this." She reassures herself, crossing the room to the computer. "Alright. I'm at the computer thing, Tah-Kuell. Tell me what I need to do."

"Okay. I'll be transmitting instructions to your omnitool momentarily. Simply type what it shows you, and we'll get you back to the bridge," He responds. "Give me a moment here." There's a period of quiet, a deathly silence that's soon broken by what sounds like a loud crash deeper in the ship.

"Oh, no. We have a problem. They got through faster than expected. Resourceful bunch. Hunker down a moment, Sophia. I need to get these men separated before I can send your instructions."

"Great." Sophia frowns, tapping her foot nervously as the sound of footsteps echo off in the distance, growing louder by the second. She nearly jumps out of her skin as her omnitool activates suddenly, creating a holographic chart full of an alphabet she can't recognize. She takes a deep breath and exhales, typing cautiously into the terminal. "Christmas tree. Funky looking Y. A thing that looks like a fish..." She's slow, careful not to screw up, pressing each key. "You know, this would be a lot easier if this stuff was in English."

As if responding, the omnitool begins to glow a faint blue, shooting a beam of light at the terminal. The keys on the terminal shift from the alien language to English, reassembling themselves in mid air, as do the instructions. "Whoa! What the... Okay. I can work with this." She begins to type faster, glancing quickly between the instructions and the keys.

"I'm almost done, Tah-Kuell. Are you ready on your end?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," He responds.

"Okay." She strikes the enter key to send her commands, and the terminal reacts immediately. The red lights around the room begin to pulse, accompanied by a klaxon of steadily increasing volume, warning her of the changes. "I think I did it. I'm done."

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