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Third person p.o.v

"Sun is my relative." Hoseok said proudly, smiling brightly.

"You're funny hyung." Jimin laughed

"You're childish." Hoseok scoffed at Yoongi's comment but soon returned with the same bright ass smile on his face.

Their talk was soon interrupted by the waiter, who was smiling at them with a notepad in his hand "Have y'all decided your orders?"

Jimin nodded and looked at Yoongi, asking him to go first.

"A Chicken sandwich, with french fries and coke."

"I would have the same." Jimin said before looking at Hoseok "and you?"

"Hamburger and sprite." The waiter noted down their orders and smiled before walking away.

Hoseok had earlier got a call from Jimin, asking him if he was available and would mind hanging out. Hoseok thought that it was going to be a date until he found Jimin standing besides a mint haired male, waving at him. He was disappointed at first, but became fine as the other company turned out to be a cutie

"Yoongi, you talk very less." Hoseok said, receiving a blank expression from the younger.

"He's quite talkative hyung, but shy in front of other people."

"I'm not shy."

"Aww, he's so-" Hoseok's phone rang, pulling his attention. He looked at the caller ID and sighed "It's important, umm... excuse me." He smiled at the two younger male and left the table.


"Prosecutor Jung, we've found something strange about Kim Taehyung's mother's murderer case."

"What did-"

"You'll have to come to the office sir, now- it's kind of urgent." Hoseok sighed and agreed before hanging up, he didn't have heart to ditch the two cute male, but work was calling. And right now, work was more important.


"The fuck are you doing here, Kim Jongin?" Taehyung shut the front door of his house harshly and followed Jongin, as the older walked inside the kitchen.

"It's so nice to see you too, little brother." Jongin's lips curved into a smirk, as he opened the fridge and removed an apple from it.

"That's mine." Taehyung grabbed the apple from the older's hand and spit on it, marking it as his territory.

"Gross." Jongin made a face of disgust and grabbed a banana from the kitchen counter. Taehyung leaned forward to grab it as well, but Jongin was quick to run outside the kitchen while pushing the entire thing in his mouth, eating like it didn't just choke him a little.

"Didn't know you were a gay+ a bottom ." Taehyung plopped on the couch opposite to Jongin's

"Not gay man, and definitely not a bottom." Jongin smirked looking at his brother.

Taehyung and Jongin weren't blood related. Taehyung was an adopted son, unlike Jongin. Jongin was Mr.kim's and his second wife's son, which Taehyung and his mother didn't know about for 12 years.

"How have you been?"

"Was great until you walked inside this house." Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Rude." Jongin smirked

Taehyung was about to reply, when he saw a figure standing on the door frame of his room. Jungkook had a worried expression on his face, so Taehyung quickly walked away without excusing himself.

"W-what? Aren't you going to give me a tour of this house?"

"It's not that big Jongin, you-"

"Kai" Taehyung rolled his eyes, leaving the living room and walking inside his bedroom, closing the door behind him.


"He ran away." Taehyung's eyes widened "And I have a bad feeling about it."

"How do you know that he-"

"The news is all over the Internet." Jungkook pointed at the cellphone on the study table. Taehyung grabbed his cellphone, thinking- how was Jungkook able to touch it, but sighed when saw the notification on his cellphone. Probably he saw it as soon as it popped up. "What do we do?"

"I don't know." Taehyung could feel the goosebumps on his body, as the memory of the night he could've got killed, flashed in.

"Junghyun hyung visits me often in the hospital, and the security has increased after that incident, but I'm still scared, your house is still not secured by any government officers. He can easily break in and kill you."

"I-" Taehyung was interrupted, as his bedroom door flew open and his brother walked inside.

"This house is- oh... didn't know you had a company." Taehyung's eyes grew wide, as he saw his brother pushing his hand in Jungkook's direction, asking the latter to shake it for better introduction "I'm Kai, Taehyung's brother."

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