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This is gonna be a boring update, but please bear with me! I really believe that these rules are basic courtesy and should be followed, but obviously not since I've had to put this up!!!

But anyways, here are the rules:

1. Always be polite - to both me and commenters/requesters. It hurts when people give hate on you and say "No offense, and it's just my opinion and constructive criticism." I'm sorry, but since when was insulting a designer's graphics constructive? We put WORK into those, you know!

2. I have the right to deny your request if I feel like I will not meet your expectations. I hate being a let-down. If I've denied one of your requests, feel free to ask why or request another graphic, I'll be happy to do so! I've never done this before though, this is just so I don't feel like a failure. I've done a request that I had no idea how to do before back when I had to idea how to manip and it turned out horrible. The person just said "it doesn't meet my expectations" and went to another designer. To prevent this, I've made this rule.

3. I do not accept accepts from cover hoppers. Absolutely no cover hopping allowed. Please do not lie to me, I know how to find out if you have cover hopped. For this of you who do not know what that is, it's when a person requests at multiple cover shops, gets their requests done, and uses the cover they like best. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. I have put all my effort into your cover, and you repay me by cover hopping? If I get any requests like this even after I have put up these rules, I will not be happy, believe me. I might even report and block your profile, so please don't do this.

4. Always complete payment. Please don't forget to credit and follow me, I will follow up on this to make sure you have done this.

5. Explain your request as well as possible, but don't be over-specific. I don't really like making graphics that leave no space for creativity. Or graphics that are so vague you have no idea what they want. But if you want me to use specific pictures, I'm always happy to do that. Just put the link in the images section of your comment. That makes my job much easier, and leaves space for creativity since I can play around with them.

6. This isn't a first come first serve basis. It's what I feel most like doing or what I have the most inspo for at the moment. So if I don't do your request when I've accepted it and have done other later requests, DO NOT HATE. However, if I haven't done it for almost a month, then I probably forgot, so then feel free to shoot me a PM.

6. Optional: Spread the word about this shop! I love getting requests, and I'm always happy to make multiple graphics for the same person.

7. I have a VIP list: these people will take first priority for graphics. Before you say THIS IS SO UNFAIR I AIN'T REQUESTING FROM THIS BLEEP - if you wanna be on this list, all you gotta do is be my friend 😂
So basically anyone's qualified for this!
VIP list so far:

8. Always credit me for my graphics. If I make you a cover, credit me in the description box, not the first chapter or something like that. Like this:

The only reason I ask for credit is so that more people can discover me and I can do more requests. I also give shout-outs to the authors whose credits and efforts have given me the most happiness/requests. Please do not forget this payment, it's very important to me. For graphics that aren't covers, like banners or chapter headers, just credit me in the update you use it in, not the description box. For profile graphics (profile picture + Wattpad header), a credit at the end of your bio is needed ;)
For all graphics, default payment is a follow + the specified credit.

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That's it! I'll be adding more if needed, but for now we're done!

- Zoey

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