Pregnant s/o (Connor, Shay)

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•Watches over you like a hawk
•Is always near you just in case something were to go wrong
•Dotes on you so much it's frustrating
•But you know that it's just because he loves you and is just as excited as you are
•Will rub your tummy and speak in Irish Gaelic and it just melts your heart
•Will cuddle with you and think of names
•"You seriously want to name our child after your ship if it's a girl?"
•Doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl, he just wants them to be healthy
•Any noise of discomfort you make, he will almost trip over himself to get to you
•Is actually not as scared to be a father as you might think
•Sure he has his demons, you do too, but he's always wanted a family and he's even more sure now that he's having one with you

•This precious cinnamon roll has you guarded round the clock
•Whether it be him or someone from the homestead, you will never be left alone
•Even though you don't mind the company, you'd still like some time to yourself
•This man dotes on you 24/7 anyway and it gets worse when you get pregnant
•"Connor, I'm only 2 weeks, I think I can walk upstairs by myself"
•Will be a little hesitant to touch your belly only because he's afraid he'll hurt you or the baby
•Which means you'll have to take his hands and guide them to your belly, keeping yours on his till he's comfortable
•Actually wants it to be a girl, he's envisioned her to have your eyes, his skin, your facial features, and his hair
•But no matter what the gender he will love them all the same
•Is really scared about becoming a father. He didn't have the best relationship with his and he fears that history will repeat itself
•But you reassure him that he will make an excellent father and that he has nothing to worry about
•You both think of names from both of your cultures and may even mash them up and create one that has both of them

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