Chapter 6.

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"I told you not to put in on the table! All the freaking papers were here, but you had to do what you wanted!" I yelled.

"Well, how could I have known this was going to happen? I'm not a fucking psychic!"

"It was common sense, you asshole!"

"Chill, García, let's just clean this up." And with that, Dean gets up to grab a towel and clean the table.

We've been working all morning on these books, each one focused on our stuff, but since it's almost lunch time, Dean decided to bring some coffee to wake up a bit. Even though I told him not to, because this stuff always happened to me, I'd always pour my drinks on my papers by accident, and I just wanted to prevent one.

"Now the table is going to be hella sticky. Thank God your laptop isn't screwed."

"Aren't you such a good person? Worrying about my work when you clearly want to win this competition." He said in a sarcastic tone.

As I was about to make a comeback, someone knocks on the door, getting a "yeah?" from both Dean and me.

"Hey, you ready?" Enrique asks me.

"Oh, hi, yeah, uhm, give me five."

Getting a wet tissue from the pack, out of my bag, I clean the table quicky and put the wet coffee stained papers on the air conditioner. As I pick up my stuff, I get a weird look from Dean, but I ignore it and get out.

"So where to?" I ask Enrique.

"We could go to the coffee store on this floor... or," He says, making emphasis on 'or', "there's this fancy ass restaurant for the big bosses on the sixth floor."

"Are you a big boss and I wasn't aware?"

"Yes, missy."

"Shit, was I treating you properly?"

When he's about to reply, the elevator opens and we're taken to the sixth floor. A couple visitors step out at the same time, so in a big group we choose our tables, getting a two-chair one for us.
After the waitress comes, we order sushi and start talking about how his work here has been and the people he knows.

"And that one right there, he's the douchebag's dad."

"Damn, he's hot." I say, as I look at a grown ass man, with the most perfect face I've ever seen. "How old is he?"

"He's turning 40, there's a huge party for him this friday. Like three interns have been invited."

"40 never looked so good." I keep complimenting the man, looking at him without a single care and getting a weirded-out look from Enrique. "What? He's handsome, come on."

"One would think you'd go for the kid your age."

"He's cute too, but I'm not really into guys my age. The last time I fell for one, was like 10 years ago."

This man has the greenest eyes I've ever seen, his lips are formed in a pout and they're rosy. He's got a nice haircut and a killer body. He's just perfect.

"I don't know if you've got a shot with the man, but it certainly is your lucky day, 'cause he just got divorce."

"How do you even find out about this stuff?"

"Well, with the party and all that shit, I've found out that he bought this new place and that's where the party is going to be at." He explains. "And his wife, an older beauty as well, she moved to LA and sold the house they shared. So it's a fact now."

"These people are so fucking rich, wow." I say amazed by the whole 'selling and buying' crap.

Looking back at my new crush, I take my time to chew the sushi and check him out. Which almost makes me throw it all out 'cause I receive a look from the man, who finds me gazing and sends me a smirk.

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