Insomnia (Snuggles !)

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Okay thanks for 80 views I'm so happy ! This is basically gonna get almost strait to the point, I'm always searching for eremin snuggle fanfics (cos WAHHSBE) so enjoy Xo

An icy wind swept through the sleeping wards , a gust of air swished under my covers robbing me of the little warmth I had . If only we could afford to fix up the boys dorm . The survey corps had been losing popularity lately and people refused to pay the tax that went to keeping us fed and clothed . Somehow everything just felt cold and desolate , my mind spiralled further down into a state of depression. I fixated my eyes onto a loose plank of wood on the ceiling and accepted the fact I wasn't going to sleep tonight.
Suddenly, a warmth joined me in bed . Eren's strong arms moving around my waist resting gently but sturdily . A warm smile stretched across my face ; he always comes when I need him most . I turned my light body around and looked into his green-blue eyes with specks of yellow "can't sleep either ?" I questioned brushing a strand of hair out of his messy locks protruding at strange angles.
"Naw I don't even understand how these guys can sleep in this freezing cold ."  Replied the brunette sleepily placing a hand on my small face .
"Mhh" I simply replied , burying my face into the crook of his neck a wonderful warmth filled my face 'damn he's so cute .' I thought wrapping my arms around his back . Eren pulled me closer so that almost nothing wasn't touching each other , but that's fine , that's how I loved it .
Slowly the blonde warmed up and drifted off into a peaceful sleep . Eren , gently kissed the top of Armins head and ran his golden brown fingers through his silky hair "you're so gorgeous " the brunette whispered as a pair of heavy eyelids dragged his orbs into a mode of sleeep .

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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