Ch3 ( what do i call this)

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A terrible rage welled up in his chest . Bubbling up and threatening to over boil ,as if a dark spirit was snaking around his chest pulling him into the darkness of anger . Every inch of his body burnt ,the impulse to just scream and rip the world to shreds ever increasing . He , however remained nonchalant , stony faced ...oh how many times that dickhead (jean) hadused his anger against him.

"Eren really , it's fine . You don't have to ..."
Mumbled Armin , trailing off towards the end . The words swirled around his head that where repeatedly spat at him 'faggot ' , 'kys' , 'go to hell' . He hadn't really noticed at first , head faced down the small blonde had always tried to shrug them off . But he, eren , he cared . He was filled with a pleasant warm glow . However , this feeling was abruptly discontinued as the frail boy was snapped back to reality "FWAK" The older boy's fist made stony contact with that of jean's cheek .
Armin saw him then grab the half and half uncooked muffin by his t-shirt and whistler something in his ear .
"Don't you dare even get near him again."

The older boy then walked over to Arlert , their eyes meeting ."thank you ". The two hands intertwined and the brunette gave his lover a soft kiss on the forehead , " your welcome".

Authors note
Heyy , I hope you guys are enjoying these shorts . Sorry I took too long to upload :/ I hope this is okay . I was writing it at 3:54 am so I hope it's not too shitty . Next update will be in a couple days :)
Goodbye My Iittle freaks
( for now)

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