"Do plants think of us as Dinosaurs?"

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There was a house in the ocean, I don't even know why. It's just there, y'know what I mean? There was a duck- uhm, I mean a human that was being STUPID and laying in a bed for the half of the time. What is this, Minecraft? "You know I can hear you right?" Actually, I didn't know you could hear me but.. whatever! I'm the one telling the story alright? Alright. So this KID was just laying in bed thinking 'DO PLANTS THINK OF US AS DINOSAURS?' I mean, you could think about like a hot guy but that? No, no, no, sweetie, no. Realize that plants can't see. Realize it. Wait.. or can they? Can they see us? Are they lying to us? These kids are just weird. How do they think like that? What if the president controls every single plant? What if every plant you see, every dandelion you take out of the ground- someone's watching you from that very dandelion. What if- "JUST TELL THE STORY ALREADY!"

Anyway, before I got rudely interrupted by this kid, the kid was laying in bed just thinking 'bout her life. Y'know, like anyone else. Then she gets up, and gets the plant thingy-ma-jigs where you water plants. She goes outside, and waters her car. I mean, this kid is on something, that's all we can say right now. Her mom walks out, yelling, "Liz! What the hell ya doing?" Liz paused and looked at her mom. "I'm watering the pants-I mean plants! What do you think I'm doing?" She hissed. "Well, looks to me you're watering good ol' Ford Fusion over there." She said, rolling her eyes. "I saw you through my window and damn do you look stupid, you stand out like a sore thumb." Liz looked at her. "Why were you looking at me through the window anyways?"

"No comment." Her mom said, avoiding eye contact, then walking away. Liz followed after her, but all you can see is the fridge falling over. The aftermath was- uh- weird. All I could've seen was a chicken with a lamp on their head, with 2 bouncy balls just bouncing, just living their chill life. A stone pickaxe flew into the window, "What the hell is going on?" Liz said. "Yo, watch your language LADY!" Her mom hissed. Nobody mentioned how her mom collected 50 alarm clocks and they started ringing at the same time. 

"God damn it ma! I told you not to get all those Alarm Clocks!" Liz screamed. "Hey, nobody said I couldn't pleasure myself, right?" 

"God- don't say it like that, ma! You don't even know what that means." Liz said, shoving her hands in her face. "Don't know what what means?" Her mom said, confused. "You realize that means..." A bird flew through the broken window, followed by more and more birds. "What in the-" 

"Look at all these birds! Oh my god! Look at them! Why did they come here? They could've went to a much better place. They came here. You know what lives here? Mold and cockroaches. Wanna know the best part? We're in the middle of the ocean and we for some reason have a ford fusion that has no use! Use it and we drown." Liz hissed. 

"There is a point, if your dad snores I can run away and sleep in the car." Liz's mom said, rolling her eyes. "Oh hey, look theres the French toast I lost a while ago!" She said, bending over to pick it up. All of a sudden, a book falls on her head. The ocean waves were starting to turn into solid rectangles. The solid rectangles were hitting her on the head. "Like a book wasn't enough!" 

"Oh god, here's my white vans, Liz! Oh. They're too dirty. You can have 'em." Her mom said.  Ice cream kept falling from the sky. It was raining ice cream, like df? What kind of universe rains ice cream? Many of you might say "It's a universe I wanna live in!" Vans of all different colors were starting to fall from the sky, not just white vans, but rainbow vans, black vans, and pink vans.

"What's going on-"

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