29) Overprotective brother...

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S. Coups POV

I was here talking to Minghao , it's all about him and Y/N . He should really protect her at all cost.. Seriously! She's kind of a clumsy woman so yeah.

"Of course, I'd always protect my soon-to-be girlfriend! I love her hyung!" He said, i nodded "just promise that. And don't harass her." I said . He nodded.

"But hyung aren't you Too overprotective? It's like you don't trust me." He said. I sighed and shook my head "I guess I am too overprotective." I said.

"Minghao have you seen Dino?" Hoshi from afar called and asked. Me and Minghao looked. "Aniyo. Waeyo where is he?" I asked. "He said that he's in a Hospital." Minghao said. I gave a confused look . "He said that his mom is in the Hospital. Apparently that Jaengmin guy did something to he-" then the others came out of nowhere and together we cut him off by bombarding him with thoughts like;






"Ok shut up guys." Minghao said. We laughed and went outside then we asked the Manager if we can borrow the van, he accepted . I drove the Van to the hospital.

I turned the radio on and it played our song Smile flower.. our sad but romantic song.

"Awe not this song." Jeonghan said. I chuckled and turned the radio off. "But really though is She gonna be fine?" Y/N asked. "Hopefully." Jun said.

Then were finally in the Hospital. I turned the engine off and grabbed the key. We ran inside and asked where Dino's mom was. They said it was on 137 so we walked to the room . Some of us took the stairs and some took the Elevator since all of us didn't fit.

As soon as we we're at the door. I knocked and it opened revealing .. hana?

"Oh? Hi Cheol oppa." She said, i waved and smiled. "Come in." She said and opened the door widely but she didn't expect every member here, y/n too.

"HANA!-" Y/N shouted. I shushed her. "No shouting Y/N we're in the hospital." I explained. She nodded and apologized "I'm just happy to see Hana again okay? It's been days now." She said. "You two are legit like sisters." Minghao said. They chuckled "well we are! Nah just kidding." Hana said.

"Oh hyungs?" We heard dino called. We took a peek to see Dino with his mother on the bed. "Annyeong hasaeyo." We greeted his mother and bowed.

"Omo, you all have grown up! Like Chan over here." She compliments as i smiled. "How are you feeling Mrs. Lee?" Seungkwan asked. "I'm fine. I heard that i almost died though." .

"What?!" Vernon asked. "That Jaengmin guy sure is Evil.." DK said. "I don't even consider him as my cousin." Dino said. "I don't consider him as my Childhood friend so we're even." Y/N on the other hand said.

"Honestly , Jaengmin's parents didn't raise him like that. We don't know why he became like that . His evil attitude started when he was 12. Yep he's so young, he even bullied and always harasses My son when he was 8." Mrs. Lee explained. "Woah.. he's more evil than me!" Woozi said. I laughed.

"Is there anyway we could stop him eomma?" Dino asked. "We tried convincing his Bad actions when he was a 14 but.. it fails. There's almost nothing we can do to stop him. One choice. Or two. But the other one is too far." She explained.

"One, we could either call the police-"

"he attacked our dorm and if we called the cops- oh wait we already have a plan i almost forgot." Woozi said.

"Oh then goodie. I'm tired i need to sleep." She said. We nodded .

"Im beginning to think that im the reason why Jaengmin became evil.." Y/N said,. I looked at her confused. "Why?" I asked.

"Well , ever since i lived with Mom and Dad that day . Jaengmin was one of our Neighbor. So we always play in the playground and stuff. But when you started to be popular. Mom and dad decided that I'll stay with you because they'd be busy for years .. so i followed but forgotten about Jaengmin. So thats why he's sad.." She explained. Minghao , who was Beside Y/N, cuddled and comforts her.

"Don't say things like that.." he said. Y/N felt comfortable when Minghao hugs her.. My sister is actually growing up.

Then later on everyone sleeps, Only me and Hana are awake. "Oppa." She called. I hummed in responce. "Is it okay if i have feelings for Chan..?"

What would Coups say?

Endd ^^

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