World Trade Center ( based on the events of the people who were there )

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Morning calm , Morning breeze , beautiful september 11 , That's what i say good morning folks its Tuesday september 11 and we have morning calm breeze and sunny skies for the entire day , time is 6:00 and its pretty clear out. New york is starting as it starts like any other day.

As i heard the radio spoke those very words i felt like its a beautiful day ahead to come and its going to be another great day.

7:00 passes by i drove towards church st. and see those towers stand like a magnificent beacon about what the greatest nation has built. 

7:30 surely i was heading towards north chamber st. and was monitoring each sewer and used some metal contractors to monitor it.

8:00 (aboard flight 11) , Hello this is attendant 3 and we are flying low southwards towards new york city , can you alera us what is happening and where we are heading to? (Newark atc) yes mam, your heading southwards towards manhattan just alert us and keep those hijackers monitored.

8:30 after monitoring 8 of the sewer pipes we come up to lower church st. and chamber st. crossing , as i looked towards those towers something unusuall is about to happen.

8:40 (aboard flight 11) , mam please tell us we are flying low , we are flying way to low (newark atc) , melany just alert me where or what is going on (melany) we are flying way to low oh my god that is the worl.....................(zzzzzzzkkkttt) , ( newark ) melany? ... are you there? we just lost her?....

8:46 (same time) as i looked at the drain a black familiar shadow came and then i looked at where the plane was heading and poof ... ( EXPLOSION ) , a plane just hit one world trade center.

8:50 we rushed off to the firetruck and rush off to the World trade center.

9:00 as the news said , We have uncomfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the world trade center , clearly something devastating is happening into the south end of the island of manhattan. 

9:02 ( tower 2 , floor 86 ) Well call the authorities i have just returned to my office after a breif evacuation , i just heard something about a plane hitting 1 world trad...... what the? ( looking towards the statue of liberty ) oh my God! . ohhhhh.... ( PLANE HITS )...........................---> ||||||||||||.....

9:05 oh my god another one ahhhh ( Explosion ) .... 

9:15 as i was looking towards the twin towers , both of them were hit by 2 planes and each tower has a gaping hole in each side.

9:30 as i was entering the plaza an old familiar music played.  a lovely tune in a warzone of falling debri and explosions, this song was the very song my wife and I danced when we were dating. it was an old bee gees song, the tune was " and you come to me on a summer breeze keep me warm in your love like you make it so, ... ( explosion ) how deep is your love ( explosion ) how deep is your love i really need to learn " , this song was on the plaza as i ventured into its destruction.

9:40 as i entered the steps of one world trade i went downwards to the world trade center mall and saw dozens of injured people evacuating the center

9:50 as i walked towards 2 world trade something exploded 

9:59 as i walked, a tremor just occured. and the roof of the mall suddenly got pushed downwards and people started screaming and just as i thought. something above is collapsing, as i saw a dark plume firey ash destroy the lobby of 2 world trade center i ran into the elevator shaft and ducked. as the ash and smoke engulf the area the floor collapsed into the lower parking space beneath the mall and i got burried with major lewis.

10:00 ( in one world trade center ) , As tower 2 fell i ran towards the entrance to building 6 and hid there until the dust fades, as i saw debri and glass engulfing the sorrounding area i was shocked on what is happening into the world trade center.

10:15 as i was burried in the rubble I heared screaming people who were burried and a pile of steel clanking and alarms from the upper levels that were clearly ringing when building 2 fell, as i looked around me i saw steel and a bit of sunlight.

10:20 ( at building 7 ) , I was walking towards  building 7 i saw paper and steel around the corner of the drive. I entered building 7 and heared a screaming alarm " teet teet , teet teet , oohhh ohhhh ohhhhmmm ... teeet teet. " this familiar alarm was somehow releated to what is going to happen into the next 6 minutes , as i saw a man i asked him. Are you the only one here? , he said, yes? i was just here when the building came down, well what did you saw. well i saw an explosion and plane engine was screaming, and i was beneath 6 world trade when that happend, as he said he was from the secret service.

10:25 as building 1 burns, i saw a dark flashy throwing of steel and ash plume and at that thought i ran towards the world financial center and as time ran by.

10:26 building 1 suddenly shock and collapsed, I ran to escape the smoke and plume that looked like pyroclastic flow , except it was from a collapsing 110 story world trade building.

10:26 ( same time beneath the rubble ) , as espected another tremor occured and large sprouty smoke of ash screamed downwards to us and a pile of steel crashed into my friend and he was burried. as major lewis screamed a dark figure appeared and that was smoke crashing towards the north end of the rubble. as i thought building 1 just collapsed.

10:30 as i ran outwards i saw. the smokey plume started to fade and i saw people and rubble everywhere and there were peices of glass and steel, paper and folders flying in the streets of lower manhattan.

11:00 noon was about to come , and i was planning to eat at the world trade centers mall food court. but sadly it is now burried in the rubble. 

12:00 ( beneath the rubble ) as i screamed for help partly anyone from any squadron or civilian has already died in the booth of the rubble. as i screamed for help i heard a steel shaving and it crashed into major lewis and he was left to die in the rubble, suddenly i lost my head and i collapsed.

7:00 ( beneath the rubble ) as i woke up and regain my strength i saw a light and some marine guy calling, i shouted for help and then he screamed. WE GOT SOMEONE HERE HE'S ALIVE, the marine guy said I SHALL RETURN. 

8:00 as the marine guy said he returned with a couple of port authority police people to help me.they drilled up the steel and saved me and then they carried me to the nearest hospital in manhattan.

1:00 September 12 2001 , as i woke up i saw my wife and kids saying that they are happy to see me and they are happy to see me become a healthy and strong man. and as i know , no nation , no terrorist , no evil thing , can destroy this mighty nation. for the twins have been killed and shot, but the spirit of this nation

Shall be with us all , and may the world know that america will be alive.

( written by an asian, who is fascinated by the world trade story )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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