accidents happen

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     Luke sighed in boredom as he awaited his unlucky victim that night. He looked through his camera for any photographs that he could possibly have missed, occasionally glancing to the back to check his surroundings.

     Prior to that, Luke had placed a big tree trunk from a fallen tree onto the middle of the road. He knew that drivers would rarely expect such a thing as they sped out of a tunnel; a perfect opportunity for an 'accident'. 

     After a few minutes of waiting, the roar of a blue Prius racing out of the dark tunnel alerted the nineteen-year old as he straightened up to witness the incident that was supposed to happen. The driver was shocked, but he swerved away from the trunk just in time. Luke groaned.

"Shit." He cursed. "So much for spirits flying."

     He had heard from a friend that if you took a picture of a car accident fast enough, you would witness the soul of the victim being detached from the physical being. For ten nights in a row, Luke had gone through the same routine, creating accidents on purpose for the photographs.

     A few more cars went out of the tunnel but they were all too smart to be tricked by Luke's heinous ideas. He was just about to leave his spot when another black car sped out. In a split second, it had come crashing into the huge trunk as it did a somersault in the air and landed on its back on the gravel with a loud crunch.

     Luke's finger had clicked the button of his camera just in time in the rush of the moment. One glance at the photograph he had captured told him that he did not get what he wanted. He cursed again and again, angry for wasting his precious time and relentless effort.

     And so he walked away from the scene aimlessly, abandoning the trunk, abandoning the unfortunate driver who laid there lifeless, abandoning the idea of other possible accidents that he might cause.

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