Chapter 5

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I must have blinked a million times. This was my sad attempt at trying to see past the illusion before me. Except it wasn't an illusion. Standing in front me, as my new Biology teacher, was Rolan Gaines.

Yes, the Rolan Gaines who was my Psychologist at Burkley.

Yes, the Rolan Gaines who had single-handedly helped me open up.

Yes, the Rolan Gaines I had fallen madly in love with.

Yes, the Rolan Gaines I had spent every single day of the last year thinking about...hoping he'd come back to me.

Yes, the Rolan Gaines I was just a moment ago sketching.

Here he was.

He, looking just as dumbfounded as I felt, eventually tore his eyes away from me after what felt like an eternity long staring competition and turned, returning to the front of the classroom.

I stared after him, eyes hard with disbelief, mouth gaping open. I was suddenly immersed in this white noise. Like those scenes from the movies where everyone's talking but all you can hear is a shrill nothingness.

He picked up a sheet from his desk and looked it over quickly, a puzzled expression washed over his face. It was clear he hadn't checked to see the name of the addition to his class before this moment. He then looked up and spoke, ripping an audible hole in the haze of deafness that had engulfed me, "Miss Sinclair, is it?"

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move. I was in too much of a shocked state to take control of any of my muscles.

Abriana answered for me, "Yes, that's her name. She doesn't speak much."

I assume she was just trying to help, for which it would be painful to thank her later, but this gained a few cackles from the students.

Rolan cleared his throat, "Well then, welcome to Human and Social Biology Ms Sinclair. I hope you find the class to your liking." With this, he turned his back to the class and began writing on the white board.

I was still sitting like a statue when a girl in the row in front of me turned around and gave me a smug look, "Hot, isn't he? Be careful not to catch flies now."

Flies would be the least of my problems after I had the heart attack that was ensuing. I still couldn't believe this. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach but I pushed through the lesson, which I payed no attention at all to. I was too busy thinking about the odds of this happening. A year after Rolan left Burkley, here he was in my 'home' town working as a Biology teacher at my High School. I had a thousand questions. I had even more emotions. I wanted to hold him and kiss him and feel him.

When the bell rang finally signaling the end of class, I remained seated as everyone hurried to pack their things and head to the next class.

Rolan must have felt just as eager to talk to me, "Ms Sinclair, could you stay back for a little? I have some documents to go over with you."

Abriana looked at me momentarily before retreating with everyone else, probably glad to be relieved of babysitter duty even for one session.

When the last student had left, he closed the door and there was only us. Rolan looking at me with his hands planted on his hips and me looking at him...still planted in the far back of the classroom.

We held silence between us like magnets, neither daring to speak. But we didn't need to. I slowly rose and began walking toward him. He too began to move forward.

We finally met mid-room. This stance felt very familiar, me looking up at him, him looking down at me with wonder in his eyes....and that overlay of conflict that had graced me so many times before. I could feel his warmth resonate off his sweater-vest clad body and this is when I finally melted into him. I pressed my body into his and wrapped my arms around him.

He was still and didn't return the hug but I could hear his heart beating quickly. He didn't push me away and that's all that mattered.

My Rolan, my sweet Rolan.

And this was the first time the universe had given me anything in years.

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