Chapter 7

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Nicole's P.O.V

The rest of the school day passed by rather quickly. My heart beat rapidly as my mind wondered uncontrollably to Rolan. I had a million questions for him. Like how he ended up here of all places and why he decided to teach. I wish we could grab a coffee and just...catch up. Like long lost friends who had finally found their way back to each other.

I wish it were that simple.


Father was already outside when the dismissal bell sounded.

"How was your day?" He asked as I got into the car. As if he has held the question on the tip of his tongue in anticipation.

"Fine," I mumbled, truly in no mood.

"Did you see your friend?" Ha! "friend" he should have led with that.

"Mmm," was all I offered.

He got the point and maintained silence for the remainder of the car ride.


When we arrived "home" I quickly exited the car and walked up our paved driveway, not bothering to look around before bolting inside and up the stairs to my room. I flung my backpack down and threw my body across my bed.


I still couldn't believe he was there. A small part of me wondered if I was losing it...if he was just a hallucination. But he felt too real. Too warm and too real.

I truly didn't know what I was going to do now. I had worked up to a point of being able to live without him; pushing the thought of him to the very back of my mind. Now he was in the very town that lead me to Burkley in the first place.

This world was all too fucking small.

The giggles of a child ripped me away from my thoughts. I knew it was the young girl from next door playing with her mother. I had a strange fascination with watching them, I suppose thinking on what could have been with my own mother.

I approached my window and rested my head against the pane. Though this time, the girl was not playing with her mother but instead, a man. I assume her father. Though I couldn't get a good look at the man's profile, the view caused a pang is of jealousy within my gut. My father was never playful. He never chased me around our backyard. I forced myself to look away.

Later that night, I laid in bed reading all my notes from that day of classes. I could hear the TV downstairs, my father watching the news. After a couple moments, I began hearing murmured voices as if he had been speaking with someone. Then came footsteps followed by a gentle knock on my door.

I hesitated, not sure if it was my father or a visitor...not caring as I would have rather not communicated with anyone, "Come in."

The person opened the door very slowly as if regretting the choice as the action was happening. After several seconds, Abriana was revealed to me.

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