Im a cow person

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🍞Toaster's POV🤖

I woke up to the sounds to bolt knocking at my door, i was still in my pjs and didn't feel like changing. I got up and opened the door, "yes?' i said as i rubbed my eyes. I looked up at bolt and he has tons of bags in his hands "what are those for?' i asked pointing at the bags. "Oh! For our new child.. Oreo!' he said with a small smile.

Wow. he has already bought so many things for a cow. I love him so much. He is great.

"Oh, wow. Well come in.." i said still tired. Bolt walked in and set the bags down on a coffee table. " you're so crazy. Buying things for a cow we only had for like a day." i said laughing at him. He rolls his eyes and smiles at me, " i'm crazy? You bought a cow!" he said.

Whatever! I'm not crazy.

I stated to open the bags and check out what he bought, but the first bag i opened were his stuff. "Um, bolt?' i asked and he came closer. "What is it? " he answered
I opened the bag even more "why is your stuff here?' i asked looking up at him
" oh! Well i thought it'll be nice to be closer to our child.. I guess i should have texted to ask if it was okay if i could stay here for a few days.." he with fidgeting with his hands. "Oh! Oh yeah it's fine. You can stay here for as long as you need" i said smiling. I took his stuff to my room and placed his bag on my bed.

Omg wow, he's staying here with me.. Does that mean we have to share a room..? Or even a bed?

I hung his clothes in my closet, i moved my clothes so he would have room for his. I walked over to my bed and looked to see what else he had.

He had his tooth brush, tooth paste, a towel, 3 books, his laptop and some shoes.
I put his things where they needed to be. As soon as i'm done i walked out of my room to see the backdoor open. I walked out to see bolt trying to put a purple sparkly collar on oreo.

What. is. He. doing.

"Bolt.. what are you doing.." i asked, he just looked at me and said " im going to take her to a dog park."

We took oreo out for a walk for the first time. I let bolt and oreo go ahead as i grab one of the bags of XXL dog toys. We met up at the dog park and we started to play with oreo.
I took out a large tennis ball and threw it, "GO OREO! GO GET IT!" i yelled as i threw it.
I heard some laughs but i dont care, i love my baby.

After a few minutes we went home so i could make lunch for us.
Bolt put oreo outside and walked back in. "sooo.. What are you making..?" bolt askes really excited.  "I dont know.." i said looking around for ingredients " i cant find anything.." i said.
Bolt looked really disappointed, he looks like he is about to cry.
"Why are you sad? Cant we just order sushi online?' i asked, confused 
" but i like your cooking..!" he said sadly

Too bad. I'm ordering sushi.

" aww, bolt. That's very sweet. But i have to go grocery shopping and i dont want to do that" i said as i walked over to the couch and sat down.  I picked up the phone and looked a sushi places i can call. " oh come on.." he complained. i  ignored him and call a restaurant. I ordered crunchy roll, california roll and a philadelphia roll. After i placed my order i looked at bolt and moved closer to bolt. "So.. what do you want me to order?' i asked him. He crossed his arms and said " milkshake and 2 large fries.." I order his food and wait for them to come.

Ding dong~

Bolt ran up to get the food and payed for both. He handed me my bag of sushi, i thanked him and brought it to my room and set it on my desk. I opened my bag and took out my sushi rolls. Bolt later follows setting his food next to mine. I stole one of his fries and he stole one of my sushis. After i was done eating, i was sure i was having a food baby. I moved to my bed and laid down and not so surprisingly  i feel asleep really fast..

💞Toaster x Bolt 💕Where stories live. Discover now