[0.2] angel.

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The sun peaked its way through the white slightly sheer curtains of the hotel suite, making the bed's comforter and pillows look heavenly. Different articles of clothing were scattered around the room, the hotel room key on the floor along with their shoes. Empty wine bottles, half finished glasses, empty pizza boxes around the living area were clear evidence of last night's events.

He slowly began to wake up, his limbs aching to stretch while his eyes continued to stay closed. He raised himself up, as he rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of them but it didn't work. So, with one swift movement he went from laying on his stomach to sitting up with his back against the headboard. He groggily yawned as he stretched, reaching his arms up into the air while he extended his long legs. He then opened his eyes, as he exhaled, noticing the mess he and his lover had left.
A lazy smile etched his face, droopy eyes still very evident.

Last night had been absolutely amazing, he thought. From relaxing and eating wine with pizza, to dancing in their underwear as they listened to classic indie or rock music, to making love. His favorite was making love to his angel.

"Hey, sleepy head." He heard their sweet voice call out from the doorway of the ensuite kitchen, making him snap out of his reminiscing mind. They were sporting his top and boxer briefs with their bed head.
They walked to his side of the bed, carefully crawling their way towards him.

Straddling him, his lazy smile grew wider until his teeth and dimples made an appearance.

"Sleep well?" They asked him, with what seemed to him like the most angelic tone he'd ever heard.

"Yeah." He replied, his morning voice sounding so raspy and low that it gave his lover noticeable chills.

"I made you breakfast. It's your favorite." They happily told him, as they cleaned off the tiny bit of drool from the corner of his mouth.

In that moment, he felt so in love. The way the light hit them so perfectly made his love look absolutely stunning. Seeing them smiling, laughing, and being selflessly caring truly made him believe that they were his angel sent from above.

"Thank you, angel. I love you." He whispered, reaching out to gently caress their face's cheeks with his thumbs.

They began grinning so big, that their eyes crinkled up and their cheeks grew rosier by the second, it made his heart flutter.

"I love you too, H." They responded, his heart speeding up more.

"I can't wait to live the rest of forever with you." He nonchalantly added, pulling a few stray hairs back.

His lover looked at him with so much love and adoration that he felt almost unworthy, but then he reminded himself that he should be honored to be loved by someone as beautiful-inside and out-as his angel.

"Forever's a very long time, H." They chuckled, his own laughter joining along.

"I realize that. And I don't mind it at all, if it means getting to drink wine and eat pizza and dance in our underwear to The Smiths and make love right after, for the rest of our lives...then I'll take it. But only with you, I don't think it'd ever be the same with anyone else." He admits moving his hands behind his head, while his lover sat perched on his lap gasping at his response.

"You really think that?" They asked, eyebrows raised and lips formed in an o.

"Of course. Can't see myself with someone else other than you." A little yawn escaping his mouth as he answered.

"Forever with you is going to be a lot of fun then." They smirked as they rested their hands on his bare sides, leaning into to kiss his jaw.

He playfully growled as he lightly smacked their bum, "Don't tease."

A few giggles erupt from their body, as they pulled away and pecked his lips, "Let's go eat before the food gets cold."

He simply nods, waiting for his angel to get off his lap and then pulls the sheets down but still covers himself.

As his lover walks away back into the kitchen, he sits on the bed taking in every feeling, every detail, and every second of being around his lover. Cherishing everything they do together and loving every moment of it.

"Change of plans, H." He hears them call out from the next room, "The pancakes burned even though I left the stove on low heat."

He lets out a loud snort as he stays in place on the California King sized bed, "It's okay baby, I still love that you tried to make me breakfast."

He notices them walk back into the room, bashfully rocking on their feet, "So, ihop?"

"How about room service? That way we can lay down, cuddling all day while eating like fat asses." He suggested.

"Perfect." His lover nodded, pure happiness covering their face making his do the same.

His angel's happiness was his happiness. He loved them more than he could possibly ever explain. And forever may be a long time, but with his angel by his side he knew he'd be just fine.

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[Unedited, sorry if it's cringe]
I hope you enjoyed this new imagine. I decided to use the pronouns them/their or use his angel/lover in this imagine because I want everyone to feel included.
Whether you identify as he, she, they, (or however else you may identify) I feel like you should be able to read an imagine were you get to be Harry's love interest while having the pronouns that best suit you.
I don't see many imagines where this happens and I'd like to change that. I'll try to write in different point of views as best as I can, and know that I don't mean to offend anyone in any way.
I just want to be inclusive of everyone that adores Harry.
Thank you for reading, lovelies.
More coming soon!
♡ ♡ ♡

- lilharrie, xx

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