Dare:I dare jack to walk in a mud puddle BAREFOOT and then lick his foot and everybody has to call him foot licker jack
Merida :hahhahahahhah
Jack:no never
Hiccup:you have to or else punzie will hit you with her pan
Elsa:come on frosty do it for me
Jack :fine but only because my snowflake wants me to
"Goes outside and walks in puddle barefoot then licks foot "
Everyone except jack :hahahahahahhahahahhaha
"laughs so hard they fall on the ground "
HahhahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahaFOOT LICKER hahahahahahah
Jack :hahahaha very funny "sarcasm"
Everyone else :yes it is hahhahahahhah "laugh so hard they can't laugh anymore " ahahaha can't laugh anymore " trying hard to breathe "
Jack:hahhahahahhah now it's my turn to laugh "laughs "
Everyone else:three.....two..... one ....GO
"Everyone pushes jack "
Jack :"falls down"
Hiccup :that's for laughing at us
Elsa:sorry footlicker they made me do it
Jack :stop calling me that "chases everyone "
Everyone else :you can never catch us "runs "
Jack :yes I can "runs faster " oh wait I can fly
"Flys and makes ice cage over them "
Elsa:"thaws the ice "hahaha in your face
Everyone except jack:"uses snow globe and goes to someplace"
Jack : I give up
Everyone else :"comes in using portal " YES FINALLY FOOTLICKER GAVE UP
JACK :"sighs" I hate u guys
Merida:we hate you too
Punzie :Merida !
Merida: WHAT
Punzie :"sigh" Never-mind
Ask questions or dare the big five