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The Game

I sat on the bleachers beside April and the Bellas. The weather was nippy but I didn't let it bother me. April had Roman's huge Varsity jacket on. Lucky her.
Anyway, the game. I think it's nearly over. Fourth quarter or something. It was currently 21-7. Our team leading of course.

"Ready to celebrate?" April nudged me. I shrugged.

"I guess. But we haven't even won yet."

"There's only ten seconds left. We won." She spoke matter of factly and stood. C'mon. We have to meet up with the guys." She grabbed my hand pulling me down the bleachers. I almost fell twice.

"Aprillllll." I whined. "You don't have to kill me on the way." She just laughed pulling me onto the field. Our team was cheering like crazy. People scrambling everywhere. "There is no way we'll find them."

"Nonsense child. Watch this." I raised a brow as she disappeared into the crowd.


It was a mere 10 seconds before she came back out...tugging their jerseys. Dean, Seth and Roman's.

"Tada." She let them go...except Roman. I shook my head.

"Congratulations." I spoke to no one in particular. Seth just turned away. Dean on the other hand offered me gum.

"Sure." I held out my hand but he had other plans. He pulled the chewed up gum out his mouth and sat it in my palm. "Ew." I glared up at him. I threw it on the grass as he chuckled. I could already sense it would be a long night.

April/Seth's House

We all walked in. Everything already set up. Music, Food....Alcohol. April turned on the stereo and the party began.

I wasn't much of a party kinda girl so I just roamed around the place. Or tried. Some places were...occupied. Scarred for life. One wasn't.


Sounds like a 13 year olds room. I snickered pushing open the door. Only to hit someone in the face.


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