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I found sleeping on January 19th a difficult task. Excitement was to follow the next morning and Mikayla was nervous. The next morning we went to the White House and met the current president, and took a motorcade to the capital. After taking oath of office, I gave my speech.
"In 1978 I first announced my intentions to run for president, at the time I was unknown. Today on January 20th 1980, I have accomplished my goal. Like I have in the past, I promise the truth, more so than just the truth we most address our global issues just as importantly as our own. Peace is more than a priority it is a need..."

After the inauguration I walked into the Oval Office for the first time. It was a truly beautiful sight to be alone and in a room rich was history. It gave me time to reflect on the past few years and the campaign. Every moment, every vote in the end counted. It was a difficult task and I met several tough challengers (admittedly McDee was the winner of giving me the highest blood pressure!) My first visitors were David Micheal and Henry. I was very happy with my team and they were the brains behind it. It was a magical moment, not only for me but for them as well. We all were very happy and excited for the future.
It took time before I got used to the secret service agents and the many people swarming me. I admit that I was nearly uncomfortable at first. Mikayla was very excited to be First Lady and she would be doing a reading program for children around the country. Mary couldn't believe she was living in the White House either, on February 11th she turned 15 and was ecstatic to tell her friends about her experiences. Edgar was a strict enforcer and was quick to revise me, a very strong Vice President. I got to work quickly and became adjusted to my new job fast. The best part was when mom came in and said, "Hello Mr. president!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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