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"Quill?" I asked out loud to myself when the city was finally in view and the people faded away as if afraid to get to close. Like vampires to light. The stars twinkled above us where the city light didn't snuff them out, and the sky held a pink whisper of a sunrise off in the distance. The older woman had left me at the edge of the buildings and shooed me further with a crooked smile.

He stood at the barrier between the city and the commons, I concluded. A huge concrete wall with wire ensnaring the top and snapping with electricity, paired with guard towers every hundred feet. I was surprised they didn't just shoot me for getting this close. The guards made me uncomfortable, and my spine went cold at the sight of huge guns mounted to their tiny boxes they sat in.

I focused on Quill, who was leaning ever so relaxed against the barrier, head tipped down but at his name his gaze snapped up. A distant look directed towards the ground was on his face, mimicking the way he looked the last time I'd seen him. Instead of his suit being polished like it was earlier tonight, it was roughed up a bit and the sleeves were at his elbows. Locking eyes with me his eyes brightened just a fraction, seemingly relieved to see me.

"Mireya." He squeezed out through a course throat and managed a half smile.

"Quill, what are you doing out here?"

I should've asked him if he was ok instead of my stupid question. He seems off in some way, different from how he was at the party.

The way his eyes crinkle in solemn pain despite the straight line of his lips and clenched jaw tells me something is very wrong.

"I was hoping to run into you, actually.... well more like planning on it." He said, suddenly sounding better, so he didn't have to pretend I had surprised him. He was waiting for me, I realized.

"I'm glad." I said then glanced over my shoulder at the people, who were lined up almost shoulder to shoulder behind me at their city limits. I was in the barren in-between land of dust and ash. Some were smiling. "How- how did you...?" I couldn't finish my sentence I was so awestruck and no words came to my mouth.

"I'm glad?" Really, Mireya?

"I have friends. Here." He shrugged like it was nothing, and his eyes fell upon the crowd. With his silent nod they turned reluctantly and faded away like ghosts.

"W-what?" I stammered, my mind racing and confused. I turned and watched them trickle away.... I would think-

"Our worlds aren't as separated as you think." He interrupted my thought.

Then I realize that in my denial I completely missed the fact that their eyes were on him. Not the light.

"Quill. Tell me what's going on right now." I said uncertainly, I can't stand not knowing what's happening. Everything has always been outside my control my whole life, and knowledge was my escape. If I can't know I can't be free.

"I will. First I am taking you back to the city." He glances up at a guard tower directly above him and offers a closed fist in the air. "Soon my father will realize I've been gone, and would not be happy to find out I came to visit."

An unnoticeable doorway in the concrete wall shifts open and I stand open mouthed.

"You must have friends in high places." I murmur. That was well deserved of his little laugh.

He leads me through the thick wall of pure cold concrete and we emerge on the other side right against an ancient brick building. The bricks have been blackened by fire and elements but it still stood strong and firm. The building was about as tall as the wall behind us and in the few feet of space between the wall and the bricks, Quill pulled me out of the doorway and pushed me against the building. The gate to the commons closed soundlessly behind us. His body was mere inches away from mine in the tiny space, his breath barely a butterfly's wings on my cheeks.

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