Chapter 6

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I jolted awake, my skin felt hot and the heat was beginning to be uncomfortable. I kicked of my duvet, and looked to the windows; they were firmly shut, but a ray of light was streaming through a crack and was shining down on me. I remembered everything that had happened yesterday, and my heart raced even faster as the skin was beginning to redden.

I moved with an inhuman speed to the dark corner of my room, placing a cool hand over the stinging burn that was now beginning to ache on my forearm. I flicked the switch of a near-by lamp and moved my hand, to see, what seemed like a blister, mixed in with burnt skin, growing up my arm. 

I opened my door, careful not to wake my parents, I heard herd them come in late the previous night and briefly heard one of them shut my door so that they wouldn’t wake me. I don’t remember the exact details, but I was pretty sure of what had happened that it must have been my new vampire sub-conscious that detected them, and watched dormant while my body rested.

I moved on quickly to the bathroom, kicking the door closed, ignoring the towels that had fallen off of the rack that was attached to the door, and quickly twisted the cold tap on, and held my arm underneath it, lavishing in the numbness that overcame my arm. 

I stood there for a little while, with my dishevelled and tangled hair, standing in my socks and yesterday’s clothing, as I treated the burn because of a little bit of sunshine. I guess those vampire-rumours were true; we did get burnt by the Sun. At least I wasn’t ash…if that really happened. But then again, I had only been a vampire for a day. 

I looked up to the small clock in my bathroom, and it was still a little early for me to be up. Satisfied that my arm was now going to be okay, I went to the cupboard and pulled out a light blue hand towel and wrapped it tightly around my arm, feeling the soft material brush against the burns which caused me to wince at the contact, and a sweeping of goose bumps which made the burn tingle and sting a bit more. 

I took slow steps to my room, all the while dabbing the towel against my arm and seeing the loud contrast between the top of my arm which was a ragged red, compared to the skin under my arm, which was now an ivory colour, something that had changed since I had become a vampire. 

I sat down on my bed again, rubbing my eyes and pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail with the hair band of my wrist that I hadn’t taken off last night, which had now left a red indented line. I pushed open my window quickly letting in some fresh and cool May air, managing to successfully avoid the Sun any further. 

Although, I very nearly knocked off a strange crow that was perched on the other side of the window. He jumped back, and seemed shocked at my sudden decision to open the window, he looked at me. And I mean really looked at me, as if he had known for what seemed like a long time…I shook my head. Birds didn’t know people, and not vice versa either. I closed the curtain a little more tightly, pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind.

I lay back down on my bed, and went over yesterday’s events in a slower pace, remembering the bite at my neck; it was throbbing and zinged with pain when I pressed light and cool fingertips against it. 

It wasn’t long before Sam, my step-dad, knocked on my door, asking to me to get up, this made me jump, but I picked out some basic clothes from my wardrobe, jeans, a plain top, and I fumbled when it came to my jacket. I turned my head to see Nathan’s hoodie in a pathetic crumpled heap, my heart panged as I walked over to it, picking it up, and running my thumb across the soft material. 

I decided against it. Throwing it haphazardly onto a random shelf, then reached out for a dark purple one of my own. It wasn’t as familiar or comforting as Nathan’s…but it would have to do. I stopped again. I hadn’t really thought about Nath, or our fight from last night. An image of his face when I said I didn’t love him flashed up in my mind. 

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