Making Friends~The Deaf Wolf

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For: melodybagel

I didn't stay in the infirmary for long, I was allowed to go back to my floor late the next day.

I'd been sitting on my couch playing Skyrim when I heard the elevator open.

Quiet steps made their way into the room, "What's that?" Steve asked as he sat on the couch.

Bucky sat on the other side. "It's a TV Steve, never seen one of those?" his tone was teasing.

Steve reached over me to give him a firm whack on the shoulder, "Jerk," he muttered as he brought his arm back to his side.

Bucky rolled his eyes with his own muttered, "Punk,".

I used my bow to shoot a deer in the neck, killing it instantly.

"What game is this?" Bucky asked as he made himself comfortable via sprawling out.

"Skyrim," I told him as I harvested the pelt and antlers from the deer.

"What's it about?" Steve asked, doing the same as Bucky had.

It seemed that I was the only one in the room that could sit normally on the couch.

"Basically you're an illegal immigrant that was almost illegally put to death but a dragon saves you but then you have to kill him," I summed up for them, never taking my eyes off of the screen.

"Oh..." was all Steve had to say as he watched me hunt deer. "So, Bucky and I have been thinking..." Steve started.

I paused the game and looked at him, "Well that's never good,".

Bucky rolled his eyes, "Let him finish," he scolded lightly.

"Bucky and I have been thinking, you're almost sixteen and we think you should start going to highschool. Tony can probably teach you what you need to catch up and you can start your sophomore year,".

I shrugged, I didn't really care. School might be fun, I didn't really remember going.

"So would you want to go? Because Tony would need to start soon, the school year only just ended and you have a lot to catch up on,"Bucky asked me.

"I don't care, if you want to send me go ahead, I'm indifferent,".

Bucky groaned, "You teenager, it's a yes or no question,".

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, fine, I'll go," I told the two as I unpaused my game.

The two seemed pleased with my willingness.
Two months later and I was standing in front of Midtown High with a backpack over my shoulder.

I was a little nervous and my wolf sensed that, I could feel her on edge.

I walked into the building and glanced at the schedule I'd gotten a few days previous.

My first hour appeared to be an English class, second was World History, third was Algebra II, fourth was Chemistry, fifth was PE, sixth was Art I, and my last hour was Spanish.

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