Payback and Celebration- The Deaf Wolf

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For: CrystalAris

Steve and Bucky said that they had a surprise for me.

The surprise consisted of waking me up at eight in the morning on a Saturday, and getting in the car.

I wasn't sure what kind of surprise warranted getting up so early on a Saturday, but I was excited.

Steve and Bucky were in the front seat while I looked out the window in the backseat.

"You excited Ash?" Bucky asked, turning to look at me in the back seat.

"Yes, where are we going?"

Steve chuckled, "You'll know when we get there," he told me as he stopped at a red light.

I withheld a groan, but crossed my arms over my chest regardless.

It made Bucky grin, "I promise you'll love it," Bucky promised as he faced forward for the rest of the ride; which only lasted another ten minutes.

We pulled up to the park I'd met Steve in. Bucky pulled a big tote bag, that he'd had by his feet, onto his shoulder as he got out.

Bucky and I followed Steve as he went to the old spot he and I used to eat.

Bucky plopped down on the grass and set the tote bag in front of him.

Steve made a move to sit down, but then realized, "I forgot the drinks in the car,".

Bucky gave an exaggerated sigh.

"I'll be right back," Steve told him as he jogged in the direction of the car.

Bucky and I watched him go for a moment before he announced, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, watch the food," before he got up and left.

I watched him disappear into the bathroom before I decided to look around.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to start playing one of the games on it when I heard someone walk up to me.

I looked up, expecting Steve or Bucky, but it was neither. It was a face I'd hoped to never see again.

"Well look who came crawling back to the park," he drawled.

I felt the color drain from my face as I hid my phone underneath me as he drew closer.

"Leave me alone," was all I could come up with.

He smirked, "Not a chance sweetheart, looks like you ran into some cash," he informed as he looked me over.

He stepped over the tote bag Bucky had left in front of me, only sparing a glance inside of it, before he leered over me with his hand out expectantly.

"No, leave me alone," I told him, I could feel my wolf growling for revenge.

He recoiled his hand like he was going to slap me, but a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and jerked him backwards.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bucky's voice growled, his eyes were full of murder.

T seemed to freeze, the look on his face was priceless.

Steve seemed to choose that moment to appear with the ice chest, set the ice chest down beside the tote bag. "What's going on here?" Steve questioned, crossing his arms over his chest as he puffed up.

"J-Just catching up with an old friend," T stammered a bit, but he straightened up.

Steve looked at Bucky, who looked very skeptical, "What's her name?"

T seemed taken aback, "What?"

Bucky's expression held a light smirk, "If she's an old friend, then tell me what her name is,".

T looked nervous as he stared at me, probably looking for some sort of identification that I didn't have.

"Brittney?" It sounded more like a question. I'm sure the grin on Bucky's face spread to Steve's judging by the look on T's face.

He was lucky that a cop chose that moment to investigate, "Is there a problem here?" He questioned, eyeing Bucky and T.

"No-" T started, but I cut him off by getting to my feet.

"Actually this man has mugged and assaulted me on multiple occasions and he's involved in one of the gangs. The Netas I think he said it was?" I informed, grabbing Steve's forearm as I eyed T.

The officer raised an eyebrow at me, "Do you have any evidence of these assaults?"

A look of realization flashed on Bucky's face, "You're the bastard," he muttered, judging by T's pained expression Bucky must've tightened his grip.

"Give him Stark's number, he has x-rays of injuries this man has caused," Bucky looked at Steve as he talked.

I watched as Steve's face twisted into one of pure anger, the cop also seemed to take notice.

"I'll take him in to custody and I'll give Mister Stark a call," he announced as he pulled out a set of handcuffs.

Bucky shoves T in the officers general direction and gave him a business card.

It was later during our picnic that Steve and Bucky told me why we'd come out here.

"You're adopting me?!"

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