(-) Shot 13 • Defeat (-)

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I don't want to be here.

I don't want to be here.

Why am I repeating that?

It's almost like something is after me.

"Ah, the fresh scent of darkness."

"Does darkness have a scent?"

"If you're a Side, you can smell it."

"What's a Side?"

"You don't know what a Side is!?"

I stared at Kage's shocked expression. Really, what's a Side? Is that... thing... important?

"Side is like, a split personality of someone who then gains a visible physical form. More like an evil twin, but not quite." she explained. So that's what it is...

"Anyway, this place, Celenilia, is home for some of the most whimsical Sides you'll ever meet." she said afterwards, to which I only nodded out of further confusion.

It didn't take long for us to reach a building reminiscent to an educational institute. "So, what do we do here?" I asked. "Just wait." Kage gestured to the door, from which two young women--redhead and blonde--came out while talking to each other.

"So there was a jaguar leaping at me and, you know, I thought I'm gonna die."


"Instead, it licked all over my face! I was so shocked that I screamed and shooed it. It finally left after five minutes or so..."

"Ahaha... maybe it's attracted to your charm."

"I know I'm gorgeous, but to be admired by a big cat... just... wow."

The two proceeded to walk away, not noticing us standing nearby. Kage nudged me and whispered, "Tail them."

"What? Why?"

"That jaguar they're talking about is the redhead's toddler sister. Hurry!"


We quickly went after them, keeping distance to not be seen while trying not to lose their track. The turns and dark alleys we passed through brought us to a forest... wait, what are students doing in a forest? "Are you sure we didn't take a wrong turn?" I asked. "We followed them; it's them who took a wrong turn. Maybe." Kage said, for the first time unsure of herself. "What do your mean by 'maybe'?!" I exclaimed, trying to not snap even though I was calm. She retorted, "I totally forgot this town has forests surrounding it!" "Well--"


Something hard and sharp went across my face. I barely had time to yelp before falling to the ground with a loud thud and letting out a pained groan.


I could barely see things. Everything's blurry...

...but someone...

...someone's taking Kage away.

"It's no good... I can't..."

...move. I can't move!

What happened... who hit me just now...?

Damn it...

My thoughts are going...


A misplaced conflict
Puts our heroines to temporary demise
What had happened?
Who is at fault?

"I found you, intern."

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