Chapter 3 "The start of something"

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Chapter 3

Ritsu didn't want to open his eyes.

He was blissfully warm. It felt as if he was curling up in front of a warm fire, or sipping a mug of hot chocolate on a cold day. His senses were enveloped in a scent that he really could only describe as...comforting. It was mint and coffee and something else that made his toes curl. The warmth shifted and he couldn't resist cuddling a little deeper into the source, reaching out with all his might to cling onto it. He felt something encircle waist gently, and he was pulled closer into an embrace that he didn't want to escape. Something soft and gentle was pressed against his forehead, and then his lips, and dear god, Ritsu didn't want to wake up from this beautiful, sweet dream.

But reality and sanity pulled, and Ritsu gave a soft sigh as the firm pressure left his lips, before opening his eyes slowly, expecting the remnants of the dream to fade, and he'd open his eyes fully to see the white ceiling of his bedroom, with morning light shining harshly against his face.

Instead, the dream seemed to...solidify. The warmth around him radiating from a single object...or person in front of him, the arm around his waist became hard and firm, and Ritsu could feel the cotton under his palms, and the firm planes of toned flesh that lay underneath that.

Ritsu blinked, confusion flitting across his face as Takano's face filled his view, looking at him with an intensity that made Ritsu shiver despite the warmth, and an intolerable heat pool in his abdomen. Then Ritsu blinked again, and the previous day's events came flooding back to him, the drive, the graveyard, the conversation, and Ritsu paled.

"Stop that." came the harsh tone, making Ritsu jump.

Ritsu blinked again, fully awake now, and scowled.


Takano's patented glare was pointed towards him, a look that brook no discussion, and demanded instant obedience, and a flash of...sadness that came and went without Ritsu's notice.

"I meant stop thinking whatever it was you were thinking. I won't go back on what I promised last night, and I don't think any less of you for what happened."

Ritsu flushed and looked down. He could never figure out how Takano seemed to be able to read him like last week's newsflash.

"I...I don't know what to think." he whispered. "I don't know how to deal with this." His fingers curled around Takano's shirt in agitation. "I'm not ready to...I don't know how...I mean, you deserve to know right?" he blurted suddenly.

Takano looked at him in confusion.

"Onode...Ritsu, if you're not ready to tell me, then I'll wait. I wasn't lying."

"I know you weren't!" snarled Ritsu. "But...but you know now that...that something's...wrong with me..." his fingers' tightened, and he curled, tense and shaking, words falling over each other with a sort of desperation to be spoken. "You know that something's not right, and that I can't be in a relationship ever, and I'm fucked up inside, and that I can't fall in love, even though I've already bloody fallen for you, and that I...mph!"

Ritsu's monologue was halted abruptly in its tracks when Takano's lips crashed into his, moving with a frantic intensity that left Ritsu gasping, his mind completely blank, taken over by the tongue that entered his mouth, fighting with his own, sucking, reaching places he'd never knew existed; hands slipping under his shirt, roving over his back, his chest, burning trails of liquid fire across his body; making him see darkness as he closed his eyes, sinking into the feeling of touch and sensation.

Love Sickness (BoyxBoy) Sekaiichi Hatsukoi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now