Special Chapter : Valentine's Day

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Special Chapter!

Takano Masamune was a very, very unfortunate man. It was almost inevitable that every Valentine's Day would spell a day of misfortune and misery for him. At school, it meant a day when he could barely open his shoe locker without a cascade of letters streaming out, or sit at his desk with the staggering number of pink colored boxes that sat on and around it. Once he was working, the sheer lead up to the unfortunate date meant that Valentine's Day was more for catching up on lost sleep or cleaning up his heavily neglected apartment. Hardly a day for enjoyment and pleasure with a partner.

It was also unfortunate the only ever partner that he cared to enjoy Valentine's day with had never managed to stay long enough to celebrate it.

All in all, February the fourteenth was not Takano Masamune's favorite day in the calendar.

It was also worth mentioning that the eve of Valentine's Day was hell as well.

"When are those finals prints getting here!?"

"As soon as possible!"

"I need it NOW!"

The fury that carried in his voice made the already stressed out group of editors jump and pick up the already frantic pace. Even Mino had stopped smiling.

"Here." Gasped Ritsu as he hurriedly passed another pile of completed edits to him. Quickly grabbing it and praying that there wouldn't be any corrections needed, Takano rifled through the manga at top speed before giving the okay. Ritsu barely had time to give a sigh of relief before another sheaf of papers was shoved towards him.

"Type set this. I needed it yesterday." Came the flat order.

Ritsu didn't bother with a whine of protest and started the tedious process of type-setting as fast as he could.

A phone slammed down on its holder.

"I'm going over to Yoshikawa-sensei's place." Called out Hatori in a barely controlled voice.

Masamune didn't even bother to shout at him. Instead, Hatori was shot a death glare before given the orders that if Yoshikawa-sensei's final draft wasn't in front of him in three hours, heads would roll.

Hatori was already halfway out the door before he had finished.

It was near midnight before the near comatose group of editors was finished.

"Why do mangas need to put out a Valentine special at all?" wailed Kisa.

"Because manga companies want to monopolize on gullible people's feelings." Snapped an irritated Takano. He was almost lying down on his chair with a piece of paper balancing precariously on his face, and he didn't have the energy to care.

"Well, see you all the day after." Called Mino tiredly. A chorus of 'goodbye' and 'Thank you for your hard work' were called out. By implicit agreement, the word 'Happy Valentine' was not mentioned.

"Well then, we better get going." Sighed Takano. "Good job today Ritsu. You worked hard."

Ritsu gave a start at hearing his name, jerking himself out of the slight doze he was already drifting into.

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