-Chapter Nineteen-

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"Alpha Samael has a message for you. Either surrender your pack to him peacefully, or prepare to die..."

The growl that rumbles from Seth doesn't seem to frighten the prisoner...instead, it only makes him laugh.

"Like hell we would ever submit to him!"

I run a hand up and down Seth's arm, trying to keep him from ripping through the bars to kill our only lead to the Cannibal Alpha. I want him dead just as much...but we need the information first.

"He figured you wouldn't..so he has another proposal."

His wicked grin sets me and Ziva on edge.

"A truce...in exchange for your lovely Luna...he's quite lonely without a mate you see..."

Let's just say that the events that occurred after that were quite unpleasant. It took me getting in Seth's way to stop him from slaughtering the poor bastard...and he only settled down when I ordered for the fool to be interrogated thoroughly...something I would've done myself if I wasn't so preoccupied with calming down my furious mate...

Who is currently letting off steam on a much needed run through the territory...at least that's his story. I know damn well he's been the one interrogating the prisoner...thinking that I'd be better off not seeing the deed...little does he know that I've done it myself a long time ago...actually, there's a couple of things he doesn't know about me...

Sighing, I make my way to our bathroom to take a much needed shower...feeling a bit disgusting from my visit to the prison, getting a very good look at my mates anger fueled handiwork...after returning from a long day on the training grounds, partially in the rain and mud. With Marcus out of commission, I've picked up his training duties and patrol shift...to say I'm exhausted wouldn't cover it.

I twist the knob on the jacuzzi tub, setting the water hot before pouring in the lavender scented bubble bath. I haven't had one of these in ages, but considering the past week I've had I think it's long overdue.

I let out a sigh of relief as I remove my dirty clothes and slip into the water, letting my hair sit on the edge as I lean my back against the towel headrest, the warm water and calming scent seeping into my skin and tired muscles. I close my eyes and try to let my whole body relax, trying to focus on the positive things for once since all this hell started.

First is that me and Seth are fully marked and mated, meaning our mate bond is complete. Even if it did end up with our Gamma being hurt the next day...

In speaking of which, the second thing is that Marcus is not only alive and recovering, but he also has his mate. Their relationship is already blossoming beautifully, making Tyron the only one of the four high ranking wolves that hasn't found his mate yet...much to his intense frustration.

And third is that Adri is pregnant with her and Ezekiel's first pup, which means I'm going to be an aunt soon...a thought that makes me ecstatic. With the hell shes gone through the past three years, my sister is finally living the life she deserves...training to be a pack doctor, being with her mate, starting her family...it's everything I hoped she would have...

The feeling of a hand caressing my cheek pulls me from my meditative thoughts, and I open my eyes to see the blue ones of my mate, a little darker than normal from the hunger in them.

"Don't you look alluring..."

I chuckle at his compliment, letting my gaze wander down his bare chest to the low slung waistband of his jeans...the fabric stained with dirt and grass.

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