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So, 3 months before the exams.

That should be easy.. I guess.

Two weeks had already passed and so far, I've been studying for the written exams.

Although I'm sure I'll pass Kanji just fine.. As well as English.. But I'm having trouble with Math..

Izuku-nii already told me that I shouldn't only be focusing on my written exams but also train for my quirk so I can use it properly at UA.

I'm starting to think he's right..

Since the graduation ceremony of our school was done yesterday,

I decided to train with all my might starting today.

" Okay, So you're gonna be training by the river, just near the bridge, until afternoon, then you'll be eating the bento, here, then rest and drink water once in a while, then try before going back to training okay? "

And Mom is quite attentive to it.

" Yes, Mom. I will, I promise" I said, smiling as I place the bento back to my bag.

" I'll be going now, Mom! See you at dinner!! " Niichan passed by, ruffling my hair and kissing Mom's cheek before going out of the house.

" Wait! Wait for your... Sister... " Mom tried to stop him from going out so fast, but he got away immediately, suprisingly.

I smiled sheepishly as his actions.

" Your brother has really been busy these days.. " Mom sighed, facing me again.

" I'm proud of you two for taking the UA entrance exams.. Now go, Make me proud by giving your best! " She added, smiling supportively at me.

I nodded and kissed her cheek before going out of the house.

Then going to where I'm supposed to train for today.

Wearing a simple dark green
T-shirt and a pair of black and white jogging pants, my hair in a simple ponytail as well with my backpack behind me.

This should be nice once in a while.


I stand corrected, this is not nice. Definitely not nice.

" Use your damn quirk to do more, you fig! What the hell do you think this is? A circus act? " Katsuki shouted at me to use my quirk even more.

This is definitely not nice.

" Katsuki? "

" Eh? What the hell are you doing here!?"

" I'm gonna be training here.. "

" Train in your own damn place, you fig. "

" We can always train together, Plus, I walked all the way here just to train, I'm not moving out for you.. "

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