"Long time no see"

43 5 32

Hello, hehe, so i kinda forgot about this book, but now i'm back! 

u missed me gladers? 

Anyways, i got tagged by @R2__D2

Anyways, i got tagged by @R2__D2

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1. Favorite song? Hmmm, difficult to choose one.. Well, let's say 'Golden days' by Panic! at the disco

2. Favorite sport? U should know that, if not read my BiO ^-^

3. Favorite band? Ohhh, do i need to choose just one... Okey then, let's say P!atd

4.Favorite show? He He, i'm not so into shows but i do actually have one that i have seen *cought* at school *cought* so lets say the Flash.

5. Favorite movie? Definitely The Maze Runner! ( Those are also my favorite books -beside Harry Potter -.. I'm not obsessed.. He He He) 

6. Favorite color(s)?  Blue, dark green and purple c:

7. Favorite food? Lasagne and ice cream- it's more like a dessert but shhhh, it's still food. 

8. Favorite drink? Ice tea, smoothie and Chocolate milk( cause it tastes like chocolate ) 

9. Favorite video game? Uhh, i do not really play any soo.. ( do not hate me ) 

10. tag 15 people ( wow, that is a lot people  -to me- ) 
















Uff, here it is. 

Okey, i'm really sorry if i tagged u and u don't  actually know me, i don't know a lot of people here on Wattpad but i had to tag someone c: 

I will try to remember that i have this book and update (someday ) 

bYe :)

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