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Ashi: mama!!
Omika : ashi di what happened
Ashi pov
I opened my eyes only to know that it was a dream
A dream where I saw a man hugging me and calling me princess
And my mom kissing that man
It was all a blurr
Even thought it was blurr
I was sure that
He was not omkara kapoor
He was someonelse
The dream seemed too real
As if it really happened
Looking at the locket around my neck
I was really not understanding what it meant by the initials S & M
Omika: ashi di
Say something
Ashi: nothing Omi it's just a dream
Forget it
Omika: it's not a dream di
It's a nightmare
Nowadays your screaming too much
Did something happen to you
Ashi: no Omi
I just remembered something
Forget it where is mom
Omika : as usual
Doing her pooja
And dad harassing her for disturbing him
Ashi: he will never change
Omika: bet me
He is the worst
Anika: Shivaay !
Your tie
Shivaay: thanks
Anika: are you coming in the evening
For the party
Shivaay: which party?
Anika: it's anshs 9th birthday Shivaay did you forget
Shivaay: ya I forgot
I will be there
I will go and buy him a gift
Anika: that's great
Shivaay: I'm sorry Anika
Anika: for what Shivaay
Shivaay: I cannot do this anymore
Nothing feels real anymore
Anika: shivay what are you talking
Shivaay: don't know Anika
These days I'm getting dreams
No nightmares
It's like I'm missing half of my life
And some where I'm trying to recall some ashi and mishti whom I don't even know
Anika pov
I was sweating
I was afraid the doctor said his memory will come back
But he never said it will be back now
Now of all times
Anika: Shivaay
Let me make this clear
There is no ashi nor mishti who is related to you in this whole
This is just a hallucination Shivaay
Come on take this medicine it will give you relief
Shivaay: I don't know Anika
Whenever I take this medicine
I forget them for sometime
But after that I remember the names again
I really want to know the mystery
Anika: Shivaay stop it
What is this ?
Your breaking down for some unknown characters
Look at me Shivaay
There is no ashi and mishti
Forget them
Look at me I'm Anika I'm your wife
Accept this Shivaay
Shivaay: I'm sorry Anika
It's just ..
Anika : I understand
You need time Shivaay
I will wait for you
Om: Gauri !!
Gauri !!
Gauri pov
I was scared hearing him scream
I really don't know why I was married to him
He only hates me
Scared , I took small steps and entered the room
Om: here take these
Gauri : these?
Gauri pov
I was surprised to see gifts
Placed in front of me
Om: this is for you and our daughter
Gauri : thanks
Gauri pov
I was disappointed seeing only two gifts
Gauri : Omkaraji
You bought only two
Om: yes its for you and omi
Gauri : then for ashi?
Om: ashi?
I forgot
Anyhow give her something from your old collection
She will like anything which is a left over
Gauri: why?
She is also your daughter right
Why are you so partial towards both of them
Om: I'm not partail towards them
I don't like daughters
I needed a son
Which you failed to give me
Be happy that I'm atleast looking after them
Gauri: why are you talking like this
You loved daughters and when ashi was born .. you were ..
Gauri pov
I was about to complete the sentence when a headache caught me and I fainted on the ground
Om: Gauri !!
Gauri !!
Om pov
I saw her faint on the ground
I immediately bought her to the bed and called the doctor
What happened to her
As I was looking after her
I saw omika and ashi walk in
Om: Omi get some water go
Omika : ok papa
Ashi : papa
What happened to mama
Why is she like this
What happened
Om: it's all because of you
Don't know since your born your mother is having these problems
Why were you even born ashi
I hope you die
Ashi: but papa
What did I do
Om: stop calling me papa
I hate you
Get out form here
Ashi: papa ..
Don't say like that
I love you and mama
Om: get lost
Bhavya pov
I reopened all the accident cases that were closed in manali 10 years ago
But no where I could find anything about mishti ( my elder sister)
Don't know where is she now
Day by day I was loosing hope
Wether I could find my sister or not
My only blood relation
As I was lost in thoughts someone entered my office
Rudra : hello sweet thing
Do you know where I can find miss bhavya sharma
Your ACP
Bhavya : you can find her if you remove these dark spects which your wearing like a blind person
Rudra : what sweet thing
You are so angry
Rudra pov
I removed my glasses only to see a woman sitting infront of me and a name plate written as bhavya sharma
Rudra : mam it's you
Bhavya : yes do you have any doubt
What do you want
Rudra : you
Bhavya : what ?
Rudra : I mean
I'm reporting to you
I'm the new detective
Bhavya : its junior detective
Stay in your limits
Rudra : sorry sweet .. I mean mam
Bhavya : that's better
Now let's focus on the work
What do you know about shivaay Singh oberoi
Rudra : oh your a fan girl of my jeeju
Bhavya : no
Actually never
I need to know about an accident
Is your jeeju involved in an accident 10 years ago?
Rudra : 10 years ago?
I don't know as far as I know
He was not involved in any accident
All he did was marry my sister
It's a better accident what do you say miss hottie
Bhavya : I will kill you next time you say that
I'm not hottie
I'm your boss
And pay attention
What do you know about shivaays wife
Rudra : you mean my sister
Bhavya : no mishti
I want to know about mishti
Authors pov
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