Part 4 - the hardest part of being gay

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*Awsten's POV*

Just hearing his small, calming voice on the phone was enough to make me smile.  I sat up on my bed looking out of the window wondering why I even bothered to call him. I mean his number was in the phone-book under "Presidents' son- Geoff Wigington" (A/N- that's not how phone-books work (I think)  But just go with it)  Who knew the presidents' son would be so damn hot.  I sighed and made my way to the basement.  One step at a time.  I made it into the basement after like 5 minutes and sat on the old sofa that smelled like smoke.  It wasn't a pleasant smell but I liked it in the basement.  It was quiet and peaceful,  and away from my mom.
    ~After a while of sitting~

I looked around for my phone which was no where to be found in my pockets.  I must have left it in my room.  "Oh well" I thought to myself and sighed loudly. Next thing I knew my mom had my phone and was walking down the basement stairs with a twisted look on her face.  "Look I know you're 16 but shouldn't you be looking at females and not males on your phone?" She asked me.  I just stared at her with a blank look.  "That's the hardest part of being gay,  mom" I said after a while.  Her eyes got bigger and she sat down next to me on the sofa.  "So what you're saying is that you're gay? " She said in a small voice.  I nodded.  She handed me my phone and she hugged me awkwardly.  "I knew it" She mumbled.  I smiled a small smile at her words.

~Time skip to after they talk and she leaves~

"Oh boy is this a story to tell Geoff" I said aloud and dialed his number from memory. 

*Geoff's POV*
My phone rang again but I knew who it was so I answered it with no problem.  "Hey Awsie" I said "Hey cutie" He said back.  "Do I have a story for you,  Geoff" He said.  "What is it?" "My mom found out I was gay from pictures in my phone" He took a breathe as if he was gonna be talking for a while "okay so I had left my phone in my room by accident and she must've been looking through it or something and she came down to the basement where I am as of now and said something along the lines of "Shouldn't you be looking at girls and not boys" Then I said "that's the hardest part of being gay" And I'm not gonna go into detail but we were talking for a very long time." "Wow" I said.  "Hey I have to go but I'll text you later.  I promise." "Bye cutie" "I" He took a pause.  "I love you Awsten. " "I love you too Geoff" And I hung up,  my heart fluttering with the fact that he loves me.

I hope you enjoyed this part.  I  know it's a bit boring and stuff but hey,  I'm trying here. 

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The president's son~Gawsten√Where stories live. Discover now