Good News-Part 6

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*Awsten's POV* ~Saturday~

I woke up to wet kisses all over my face,  I opened my eyes to see Geoff kissing my nose.  "Hey cutie" He said "Good morning to you too" I said,  my voice kinda rough.  Geoff smiled and I sat up or more like tried to,  Geoff was straddling me so it made it hard to move.  Geoff shifted a little and got off my legs.  "Sorry" He said hiding his red face. "It's okay" I sighed as I got up and went to the door I heard a whine behind me.  I turned around and saw him looking at his hand that was shaking.  "You okay?" I questioned.  He put his hand down,  but he knew it was no use.  I sat next to him and he mumbled "It's the anxiety,  It's got me scared and nervous." I gave him a look of sympathy.  And he buried his head into the crook of my neck.

~Ten minutes later~

Geoff's phone rang.  It was his mom,  he looked worry but he answered it.  I heard his mom say "I'm gonna be out of town for a while so if you have a friend you can stay with you can stay with them. " She paused,  "or you could come with me and stay in a hotel. "  "I'll stay at my friends place,  their mom will be okay with it I'm sure." Geoff said,  turning to me and smiling. 

"A whole month with Geoff.  That's gonna be great" I thought to myself and smiled while looking into Geoff's eyes. 

I know this sucked but I tried. 


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