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2020 edit: disclaimer that this was the first proper piece of writing I did, and so therefore 1. it's not the best, and 2. it's more of an x oc than x reader because for some reason I assumed everyone else in the world was the exact same as me, so there's a lot of things that may be inaccurate to you personally but ig if you don't mind that then...

You awake to the loud and frustrating sound of beeping, your head shooting up from your pillow to find the source of the noise. Your phone alarm was shouting at the top of its voice for you to get up. What time was it? 8am. Shit, you were meant to meet with Alex for breakfast in 20 minutes.

You hurriedly strip yourself of your pyjamas and quite literally fall into the shower, knocking your heel on the side on your way. Fuck! You cursed as pain shot through your leg. You would deal with that later.

Thank god you had your own room at uni, otherwise you were pretty sure your roommate would be complaining. You were very awkward to live with. Alex is the only one willing to put in the effort and put up with you. He was always there for you though.

You rid yourself of your thoughts and focused on your priorities - getting ready. First lesson would start in 30 mins, and heck, you didn't even know what first lesson was. You hurriedly scrambled through your things to find your timetable. Great, history. And you were already off to a bad start. You pulled a pair of rough looking jeans over your thin legs and shoved on a decent looking top. This would do.

All of a sudden, your phone rang, making you jump. You pressed it to your ear, still sorting out your bag and stuff for the day.

"Hello?" You answered. You really weren't in the mood.

"Hey, Y/N, where you at? We were meant to meet 5 minutes ago," Alex's relaxing voice projecting through the phone. Sounding completely chilled out as usual. Complete opposite to you, a stress head.

"Yep, I know, sorry, I'll be, what, 2 minutes, max?" You explained, catching a glance of your reflection in the mirror. Wow. You really did look a mess.

"Alright, see you then." Alex replied, ending the call. You quickly grabbed some dry shampoo and a brush and attempted to fix the birds nest on your head. When it looked acceptable, you slung your rucksack over your shoulder and left the room.

When you reached the stairs where you met Alex every morning, he was already there with a bottle of water and a cheese sandwich ready for you. He was very famous in your friendship circle for his love of cheese.

"Thanks," You said, giving him a tight hug.

"No problem." He answered, grinning up at you.

"So, do I get a reason for you being ten minutes late?" He smirked, he knew just how to frustrate you. It was kind of his thing. Along with casual flirting.

"The beauty of sleep." You replied, sensing his enjoyment in tormenting you about your morning. The shrill ringing of the bell broke your conversation, signalling the horrors you recalled as history. Alex was only in one of your lessons, music. It was what brought you together.

You said your goodbyes and walked in opposite directions. As you were walking down the corridor, someone knocked into your shoulder, nearly sending you flying. But before you could shout a combination of swear words, the stranger spoke up.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you OK? You're not hurt are you?" He said, offering you his hand. You took it and pulled yourself off of the ground. You took a proper look at his face. His eyes were deep pools of blue, you could easily drown in them. They sparkled, glinting in the sunlight. They seemed full of wonder, mystery, excitement.

"Yeah, thanks, I'm good." You told him, picking up your stuff. "Listen, I really have to go, I'm going to be late." You said, quickly walking away.

As you looked back over your shoulder, you could see he was staring after you. Oh well, it wasn't like you were ever going to see him again.

You took your usual seat at your desk at the far end of the classroom. History was always a bore. You were getting out your equipment when a stranger walked in, but no random stranger. It was the boy from before, who knocked past you in the corridor.

You couldn't take your mind off of the boy for the entire rest of the class. He sat 2 desks forward and one to the left, and you had a fairly clear view of his face. Strong, chiseled jawline, defined cheekbones, dirty blonde strands of hair falling over his eyes. He really was beautiful. But there was no chance of you ever getting close to him, who would want you?

After the lesson ended, you wondered if mystery boy was in any of your other classes. Not that it mattered, but you had to know. Next you had science, so I suppose you'd find out.

You pondered into the science block and navigated yourself to D10, which was your usual science classroom. And there he was. Sat on the first row, in YOUR seat. You sat alone anyway, but that wasn't the point.

"Sir, the new boy's sat in my seat." You told your teacher. Although he really didn't seem too bothered.

"No one sits next to you do they?" You shook your head.

"In that case, go fetch a stool and sit yourself next to Damon, I'm sure he won't protest." He said in his usual sarcastic tone.

So the mystery boy's name was Damon...cute. You took a seat to the left of him and gave him a warm smile. Were you nervous?

"Hey....we met in the corridor, right? My name's Damon by the way, I think I saw you in history?" He said. His voice sounded so gentle and smooth, yet protective at the same time. Different from before, when he sounded rushed.

"Yeah, hi again, I'm Y/N." You answered, your voice quivering slightly. He stretched his hand out for you to shake and you took it in yours. You seemed taken aback at first, but took his hand in return. He was certainly more confident than you were. His palms were warm, and you missed the heat when your hands split.

"Sweet name, it suits you." He smirked and glanced down to your hands, which were shaking tremendously.

"You alright, you seem a little.." He hesitated. "Tense," He said and smiled.

You gazed up at him, locking eyes. Whirlpools of blue and grey that sucked you in and made you want to wrap your arms around him. "It's fine, I'm good." You replied slowly.

This seemed to cover his concerns. The rest of the lesson passed by quickly. But hey, I guess time flies when you're having fun.

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