Percy Jackson's Twin Sister(7)

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HEY GUYS IM SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER, LIKE THIS CHAPTER TOOK ME AGES TO WRITE. BUT ANYWAYS ENJOY! (p.s dont forget to comment, vote, and tweet! or facebook what ever lol)


Marina's POV

When me and Joshua finally made it to Anabeth, we saw that she was being held by this big monster. I couldnt beleive what I saw between my own eyes, its upper body was like a bull, while its lower body was of a serpent. It had Anabeth on its right hand, and even though Im scared to death, it still has my sister and I will not let nobody and I do mean nobody take on my sister but ME.

"What in the hell is that?!" I said uncapping 'Victorious'

"Its a Ophiotaurus, half bull, half serpent, one of the strongest monters ever seen" Joshua said as he aimed his arrow at the Ophiotaurus's head.

"Anabeth you alright?!" I shouted loudly. What the hell? why would I wanna ask if she's alright when she's totally not.

"Yes I am very fine, you know Im just here being held by a monster thats all" She says sarcastically.

I hate when she does that, she could have said no instead of being sarcastic about it. You see what I had to go through all of these years with?

"I have a plan" Joshua said rapidly.

"What is it?" I said looking at him then at the Ophiotaurus.

"You take the left and charge, while I take the right and hit him with the arrows" He said running to the right already.

"How is that going to work though?" I said as I headed to the left.

"Just say mean stuff to him, you'll see" He said

I swear if this kid gets me killed, I will hunt him for the rest of his life. But wait.... wouldnt he be dead by then? oh well, I will still bother his ass.

"Hey you big ugly.....uh......muck!" I shouted

The Ophiotaurus looked at me puzzled, and sneared loudly. And as he was about to charge, Joshua went and shouted,"Yo, why dont you attack me you bull headed freak!!"

This time the monster turned its head at Joshua and charged at him, but I already got Joshua's idea, so I said, "No here you big ugly scaly bitch!"

Now it went and charged at me, Joshua went and aimed his bow steadly at the Ophiotaurus and shot it right in its arm where he had Anabeth. By the way, when Joshua said that this Ophiotua- what ever you call it is strong..... it doesnt look like it to me. When Anabeth fell right on the floor and the monster charged at Joshua, I went and threw 'Victorious'at the Ophiotaurus, slicing it perfectly. The Ophiotaurus yelped in pain, and was crawling on the floor.

"You okay now, Anabeth?" I said getting her up from the floor.

"Yes, but the Ophiotaurus is not dead.... yet" She said

Joshua ran up to us and said, "You know what will be a fun way to kill it?"

"What?" Me and Anabeth said in unision.

"Well since your a daughter of Poseion..... Cant you like summon an earthquake or something?" He said with a smile.

"Joshua, she doesnt even know how to use her powers like that, she'-" But I cut Anabet off.

"I mean, I could try..... I just need to know what to do" I said looking at them both.

"I dont know, but from what I used to see with Percy, I think you got to stomp or jump as hard as you can" She said

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