The thing about yelling at someone that just confessed their love for you is that they feel further away from you than they’ve ever felt. You push them away at their most vulnerable; when all they want is a connection with you. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt Dominic.
It’s just, his comment about me controlling everything struck a chord. He’s right after all. All his actions leading up until this moment have had something to do with my wishes. I have no one but myself to blame.
We can be together if it’s what you want
I free myself out of the bridesmaid dress faster than you can say ‘wedding’. I’m not enduring this a second longer. I’m not waiting until after the ceremony or post-ceremony photos to leave. I’m not watching Lily become Mrs. Dominic Vasquez.
As the thought of what could be comes to mind, I feel acid rise up to the back of my throat. I run the bath sink tap and collect some water in my palms to drink. Swooping my hair to the side with a hair tie, I pull on a pair of shorts and t-shirt. I pick up the light duffle bag I packed a couple of minutes earlier from my bed. This is it for now. Taking one last look at the chaotic room, I spot the macadamia cookies sitting in their previous spot. My stomach grumbles at the sight of them as if on cue.
Suck on this, Jas
I sprint over to take the jar, stuff it into my bag and quickly leave the room. On my way out the front door, I bump into one of Dominic’s many aunts who asks me where I’m rushing off to.
“Going to pick up a relative at the airport.” I lie, gazing behind her head at the bride and groom photo shoot going on outside.
Dom’s lips that were on mine earlier are now pressed against my sister’s left cheek; his hands around Lily’s waist linking in the front with hers. Her veil covers the top half of both their bodies and the man-made draft blows the veil in a way that can only be described as magical. Lily look the sight of pure happiness whilst Dominic is giving the performance of his life. Whoever said ignorance is bliss is definitely right. There’s just some secrets better left tangled.
“You’re going to the airport at this time?” I’m reminded of Dominic’s aunt’s presence. “The wedding starts soon… Can’t this relative find their way here?”
I drag my stare at the happy couple. “Er… No, not really. The relative specifically asked for me to come. I’ll be back in time, don’t worry.”
The aunt looks skeptical but accepts my answer. “Have you told your sister that you’re leaving?”
“Yeah. She already knows.”
“Oh okay... Make sure you find me after the ceremony. My son is coming later to the reception. I’m going to introduce you two to each other. He’s a plastic surgeon, you know.”
I almost laugh at the suggestion. One Vasquez boy is plenty trouble for me and I’m pretty sure I don’t need the aunt playing matchmaker. What could I possibly have in common with someone that corrects people’s appearances for a living?
“I’ll be sure to find you.” I plaster an apologetic smile and step out of the way. “But I really must get going.”
“All right.” She fishes a card from her clutch. “Here’s his business card just in case I don’t see you.”
“Okay.” I reply without giving it a moment’s thought. I pluck the card from her before excusing myself and heading out of the house.
Once outside, I throw the card along with my duffle bag in the passenger seat of my Mini and start the engine.

Just Once More
Short StoryGisele has spent all her life being told that being slim is the only way she’ll ever get her shot at happiness. So when a guy she met online says he’ll only date her if she lost a “couple of pounds,” she drops him immediately. Gisele loves her curve...