Chapter 8: Nightmares :(

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Niall's POV

I woke up next to Zayn, the sky still really dark. He was moaning something and as I sat there the moans grew louder.

"Niall,Niall,Niall!" He screamed, tears streaming out of his eyes. I shook him a bit violently I suppose. What was I doing in the dream?

"Zayn wake up! Zayn come on wake up! Everything's fine just wake up!" I was yelling but he just kept calling my name. Finally, unable to think of any other way to get him up, I leaned down to kiss him on the mouth. Our lips moved together perfectly and I could feel him breathing. Unable to resist I bit his lip and I felt the moan in his throat. Then I pulled away and thankfully the screams had stopped but tears were still seeping from his eyes. I sat beside him, stroking his hair and rubbing his back just holding him until his tear stained eyes opened.

"Nialler?" He asked his voice hoarse and shaky. I nodded and another tear escaped from his eye.

" It was about me wasn't it?"He nodded. "What did I do? Tell me please. " Zayn shuddered."Come on Zaynie. " He smiled at the nickname.

"It was the worst one I think. We,me and you,were in a car wreck and somehow I lived but you didn't. And then I had to watch you bleed to death in my arms knowing I couldn't do anything and it was just ter-ter-terrible. " He broke off and started sobbing at the last bit. I pulled him closer to me. For a while I just let him cry but when his voice started going hoarse I lifted his chin up.

"Zayn look at me. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong except for the fact that you are crying. Zaynie stop it. " He looked at me and tried to smile but his tan face was splotched and red. " You are the only person I think who could ever hurt me. And I hate saying that because the only way you could hurt me is by leaving me."I hugged him as close and tight as I could and I felt his tears continue to wet my shirt. "Zayn you need to stop. You're gonna get sick. Stop it baby, please. " I pleaded. Still he cried and I knew he couldn't stop. This was gonna call for some big guns. "Zayn if you don't stop I'll break all your mirrors. "

"I don't care. I love you more than my mirrors." Wait, what? Did he just say he loved me more than his mirrors? Dang.

"And I love you more than food so sit up and look at me please Zaynie. " I begged him.

Finally, he sat up and looked at me, still sniffling. " I'm sorry Nialler. It was just a bad dream and now I've woken you up at 1:30 in the frickin morning and I've just cried. Im sorry. " He wiped his eyes and I smiled. "What are you laughing at?" He laughed.

"Everything about you is just so amaZAYN. I feel obsolete. "I explained.

"AmaZAYN? That's corny dude. "I frowned.

"I thought it was clever. What about phenonomNIALL?" He grinned.

"It was clever,corny, and cute. Much like you. I like phenonomNIALL way better by the way. "

I nodded. "Yeah?"

"Hey did you kiss me? Because I distinctly remember someone kissing me and I really hope it wasn't one of the other lads..." He cocked his eyebrows and I smirked. "It was you! Ni you can't do that. We HAVE to wait! " I groaned and then he yawned.

"You still tired?" Zayn nodded and I opened my arms. He snuggled into them and I smiled dreamily. "Go back to sleep baby. I got you. I love you sweet dreams." I gently pressed my fingers to my lips, kissed them, then placed them on his lips. He sighed, already fast asleep.

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