Chapter 9: Larry's Secret

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Chapter 9:Larry's Secret

Zayn's POV

After that horrible nightmare, I slept soundly safe in Niall's arms. When I woke up the next morning, Niall's phone was exploding with "What Makes You Beautiful". I turned over to see Niall still snoring, his arms tightly wrapped around me. I reached to answer it and when I did, the person on the other end was shocked to hear me on this end.

"Hello?" I said my voice froggy.

"Zayn? Why are you answering Niall's phone?" It was management! They didn't know about us yet. Well Schiz...

"I uh fell asleep in his room and he's still asleep. "I said trying to cover it up. I don't think Niall or the other lads ever considered telling the boys and I wasn't excited to be the one to explain.

"Zayn? Did you hear me? You and Niall have a meeting with Simon at four. Just you guys. " Oh Schiz... Did someone at the hospital tell? But didn't they have the doctor-patient confidentiality deal? Maybe that only applies to medical stuff and not to two people being gay...

"Okay. Me and Sno-Niall at four? Got it. " I hung up the phone and checked the time. 8:30. Maybe I could get the lads up and we could go for breakfast and shop until me and Niall had to leave. Yeah. I tried to slip out of Niall's arms to go get dressed when I saw his eyelids flutter open.

"Where you going Zayner?" He asked. Dang his morning voice was sexy.

"To get dressed. Me and you and the boys are going to breakfast. Come on. Get dressed. " I leaned on the bed And kissed his forehead. He smiled and put his hand on my neck. Pulling me closer, he pressed his lips to mine. Gently, I kissed back,being careful I didn't push Niall to far.

"Nialllll...." I moaned when we pulled away.

Niall smirked. "Good morning babe. "

"You're trying to kill me I swear. Ni get dressed. Oh and good morning." I said stuttering.

"You're cute when you stutter you know. " Niall said,walking to his dresser and pulling clothes out.

"I've gotta go before you seduce me. "I said slipping out of the room. I walked down the hall to mine and saw my phone had twenty eight missed calls and thirty four text messages. Not bothering to check them, I walked to my dresser and pulled my really tight jeans and Niall's black polo top. I pulled it on and grabbed my phone and walked down the hall.

Niall was standing against the wall, texting someone. He closed his phone and walked to me.

"Nice jeans babe." Niall twisted our fingers together and swung them back and forth. He was wearing a SnapBack, a sleeveless shirt that showed off his nicely toned biceps and a pair of shorts. It looked good but it wasn't my Nialler. He had changed and I missed all his cardigans and khakis. It was adorable and innocent.

"You are trying to fricking seduce me aren't you! You gotta stop Ni. " He smirked and I heard a scream from downstairs. I pulled away from Niall and legged it to where the scream had emanated from. I saw Liam looking at Harry looking at Louis who was hiding in the corner. I approached him slowly, worried what would ever make Louis scream Like that. Niall followed me down the stairs and looked at Harry, then reached to hug him.

I went over to Louis, who looked at me, tears streaming from his eyes. I sat down next to Louis and pulled him into my lap. I saw Niall leading Harry into the dining room. Louis was sobbing into my shirt, occasionally whispering Harry's name and I just held him.

Finally he sat up and sniffled.

"Louis, what happened bud?" I asked him.

"Harry...-hic-told me -hic- that he had a crush on me in his sleep. Like -hic- he was asleep and he told me he had a crush on me. -Hic- Then he woke up and I told him I had a crush on him too. Then he said -hic- that it wasn't true but -hic - then he kissed me. Then Liam saw us but he didn't freak out. " He explained, hiccuping every few seconds. Louis and Harry had always had a thing and we figured it was only a matter of time before they happened.

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