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Sunny stood in front of her mirror staring at the reflection in front of her.

Her hair was now silvery purple, eyes were a dark indigo with gold flecks, and her skin was more tanner.

'I look like I crawled straight out of an anime!'

'I feel utterly silly!'

She took a good look again.

'You look fine.'

Sunny checked the water temperature one more time before climbing into the shower.

After a nice wash, Sunny felt more relaxed and even a bit sleepy.

'Today was pretty long.'

She took a quick glance around the room and stared lovingly at her new things.

"Remember, only we can see what these actually are." Gavin reninded her.

Sunny was given a port that Gavin and Andy could use to access her quickly, or if they needed a speedy way to get to places. "This will be disguised as a floor mat, so we're hooking it up in your kitchen.", her watch that could buzz her attendants, diguised as, of course, an ordinary watch, a weapons armoire, disguised as a very beautiful ornate bookshelf, a storage chest of crafting materials, disguised as a wicker basket, and lastly, a spinning wheel, disguised as an easel.

"You sure you want to make it on your own. They have experts that can make one for you, you know, in case yours doesn't turn out as good..." Gavin poked.

"It'll look fine, believe it! I'm going to make on my own, and it'll be better than whatever they can whip me up."

"Oooh, cocky, are we? Fine, if you insist. But if you give up cuz it's too much hard work, then don't come crying to us." Andy laughed.

"Hey, I'll do fine. I've made clothes before, so how hard could making a gown be?"

The spinning wheel is meant to make thread spun from wool or other materials that are influenced by "essences".

"Take any kind of enchanted material, with any amount desired, and hold it up to your essence of choice. Chant 'Inspire' as you mentally hold the essence in your mind. ... An essence can be a moment, a feeling, a scent, taste, etc., but the caster must have a genuine inspiration from said essence, otherwise the material cannot capture the true nature and soul." Sunny read.

Gavin and Andy had to go through the trouble of visiting their old academy to access the library in order to find a few books on thread making and enchanted clothes. They also had to ask for a spare spinning wheel from the dress maker that was supposed to make Sunny's gown.

'All of this in preparations for next week.'

Sunny touched the back of her neck where Andy put the injection. She healed over before the shower, but it felt tingly a bit.

'Why didn't they give us those instead of spending a month at that mansion?'

No use arguing about it now, and besides, she had a pretty good time there.

'Let's start now.'

She began by choosing her materials: Chiffon, because Organza is too thick, Brocade for her bodice, because it's very stable, but still light, Voile for the skirt because it's flowy, and unspun wool for stitching.

Sunny took a sizeable bundle of each, then stepped to her window. She stared down at the streets, then at the horizon, then at her home. She felt a sense of accomplishment and belonging, a sense of home, comfort, and warmth, the sky's indigo and blue hues mixed with the soft orangy tinge of her salt lamps... Then she started craving sweets.

Journey of the Stars (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now