sillly meee ithought that iwill maybe lwould maight i could die after 1 munite to keep our outcast boadies in company not 4 ever but maybe for immortal 💟
But lcant...thank god 2m times
I was pregnant...maybe ilove this unwanted baby more than you my immortal
Maybe ilove majad but....idont know 💔
Im ready to die 3m times to see you back again even if you were soo far away from here but not far away from my heart
Oh my wonderfull occupation
Mý merciless enemy
You don't know what wounds I carry in my heart
Becouse youre not änymore with mə
Oh my immortalMy handsome killer
"I have given myself up to you, in heart and soul
Million of years ago
What you can see from me is not actually me this you l became you my immortal
My soul heart
The new claimed that 15th martyr is still unidentifed -💕
But my heart told me that this is your soul heart your immortal